In my research it seems JWs have a pretty long history of presence in Libera. Now, What is being reported out of the WT about those JWs in Liberia? Are they reporting no JW is yet infected? I find this interesting to see how they handle this whole issue. Crowing about "predicted" pestulance and disease on one hand, but if the same wipes out some Liberian JWs..... rather tricky to report don't you think? Plus those missionaries. Returning to the other countires could prove tricky too. I wonder what the spin will be.
Liberia -ebola -JWs
by nonjwspouse 6 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
There have been JW links to a previous Ebola outbreak:
1995 Outbreak of Ebola Virus in Zaire Traced to Jehovah's Witness Family
I heard from an elder in my cong who knows missionaries in Sierre Leone who report that "14 or 15" have died. that was last week. also heard from another source that there have been deaths in Liberia. I have no way to substantiate either report. So don't ask me for them ! Think we will see a report on ?!?!?
i heard in Liberia 8 JW's died so far. Meetings still continue but they do not shake hands or have any other physical contact and wash their hands at the kingdomhall with chlorine. Also brother and sisters that work at hospitals where ebola patients are treated wont participate in the meetings.
This is why it is so dangerous to do missionary work. You are in contact with whatever disease may be out there. Ebola is just one of them. How many times do you see the jokehovian witlesses catching the flu from field circus? They also face diseases such as tuberculosis from going to just one door--it just takes one bad door to get a whole car group infected with tuberculosis.
Pertaining to the Zaire outbreak in 1995 the following link is also of interest.
It's always said to know people of all races and creeds are victims of pestilences - I guess this just shows how the days of "miraculous" deliveries from pestilence of God's people are the stuff of over-promised mythology.