I have just been reading a post by orphancrow/birdwomen2 under the title of
First of all I would like to thank orphancrow for his fascinating and insightful research into the JWs during world war 2.
This got me thinking however of a very similar situation I heard about in Zimbabwe, and what I am wanting to know if anyone can confirm or deny his account.
I was having a conversation with a black brother from Zimbabwe while out in field service about the persecution the brothers would be enduring under the rulership of Robert Mugabe. To my surprise this brother actually said the exact opposite to what I thought. Robert Mugabe is quite favourable to the witnesses And prefers to have them working for him in none political roles e.g grounds men, cleaners etc. Because of political neutrality they arnt a threat to his ideals. Interestingly to I note that recently there was an international convention there, and I can't help but wonder if this was a political ploy to perhaps convert the masses to an organisation that will allow him to carry on unhindered. What I think to is this would of also allowed him to improve his public image with the locals e.g foreign currency /spending etc.. As let's face it at the time what other westerner would want to visit Zimbabwe.
What makes me sort of give credit to this brothers account was the fact that he was:
At least by Zimbabwe standards was wealthy.
I was under no illusion that he certainly didn't like Mugabe, and he was the reason he was forced to leave the county.
Served as an elder in Zimbabwe. (Ok that one really dosnt count. Lol)
Ok so can anyone from Africa confirm or deny this. Thanks