JW.BORG future witnessing methods???
by stuckinarut2 8 Replies latest social humour
Holy hell , that made me laugh out loud.That was beautiful ...CLASSIC VIDEO , I loved the foot in the door, and the fractions of synthetic petroleum comment.
Village Idiot
Cute. -
Will those robots be ressurected onto a paradise electronic world? -
The foot in the door scenes were hilarious! -
Now I'm picturing shambling JW zombies in tattered suits and briefcases, endlessly knocking on the doors of dilapidated empty houses in a bleak and dismal post-apocalyptic future...
It begs the question : "Do Androids Have Electronic Dreams ?" or in this W.T.experience "Have Electronic Nightmares About Armageddon ?"
One thing that bothers me , did that Android/Robot donate Oil ? synthetic or Crude ? Against the Society`s wishes .? , if he did he should be thrown in the trash can , if he was loyal to the G.B. and did not donate his Oil ,then why is he requesting fractions of Synthetic Oil ?
Oh that`s right Jehovah Witnesses can`t reason along those lines can they , too much thinking to do , have to ask an Elder to do my thinking for me.
Hilarious -
Excellent! And being machines they can easily rack up 400 hours of proselytizing per month!