Has anybody here, had a look at the "Online Friends Message Board"
What a prime example this is, of the total control syndrome operated by the WBTS and fostered among its adherents.
As an example, from the start page;
"Online Friends Network's message board is exclusively for Jehovah's Witnesses.
It is not a part of the organization.
This message board is for upbuilding enterchange between like minded individuals
that consider themselves Jehovah's Witnesses.
This message board does not allow contrary teachings.
Members follow the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society's publications and directives."
And from further in;
"Terms of use:
I agree to use the Online Friends Message Board in a Christian manner.
I will not question bible understandings as taught by the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society.
I will ignore threads and posts that I do not agree with unless they are contrary to the
terms of use agreement and then I will notify the administration of such posts or replies.
I will display love toward my brothers and sisters even when it seems difficult.
If I am asked to edit one of my posts by the administration of this site I will do so in a postitive manner."
And those "Terms of use" are in effect, just what the Society imposes on its members.
do not question anything from the Society
do not even look at or listen to anything that may be critical or contrary
report anyone else who does, so that the elders may "shepherd" them back into line
humbly and meekly comply with any suggestions that may be made concerning your
spirituality, conduct, attitude, dress, life in general
and of course do all this with gratitude, for they love you really
and don't forget to love them in return.
And to think that I went along with all of this as publisher, ministerial servant, elder, secretary,
for nearly twenty years. It makes me shudder.
If anyone out there reading this, is still part of this sect or is contemplating becoming part of it,
please do some research on it, not from the society's literature but from the public or university library's,
history books, encyclopaedias, the internet,
any independent source.
Assess the information from as many sources as you can,
and then judge which seems more like the truth.
Just check a few things for yourself, for example;
did Jerusalem fall in 607 bce ?
is there real evidence of farming by man 10 000 years ago ?
what did the WBTS predict for 1975 ?
what other non-events have they pointed to since the 1800's ?
did the WTBS affiliate with the United Nations whilst damning it as the beast ?
did they arbitrarily rule one way concerning political affiliation in Malawi and
rule the exact opposite in Mexico ?
did they really agree to a friendly settlement with the Bulgarian Government which included a
statement to the European Commission concerning blood, every Witness is free to decide for
himself/herself and their family "without control or sanction" by the religion ?
The list is endless, but you only have sort a few for yourself to be able see
that this organisation doesn't know more than any other,
that it does time and time again change the rules and move the goalposts,
that far from telling the truth it tells lies
and that ultimately it needs control over its members
not for their eternal benefit but for its own continued existence.
And when you can see it for what it is, then you can break free and even help others to do the same.