was listening to the Radio today on the Internet, a station out of ther Midwest.The subject came up about the Infant who had surgery without blood.The talk show host raised the question about Transplants and JWs and the blood Issue!!A caller called in and it was a JW.He cited the scripture at Acts, YADA YADA and mentioned that transplants were ok.But the host put the question to him about the transplant having blood in it.He fumbled around and said well they, like the meat we eat, probably drained all the blkood out first before transplanting the organ.The host replied they couldn't do that in order to have the transplant to be successful!!!Then(I don't were he come up with this!!!!!!!!!)Then he said maybe they put in formaldehyde before transplanting!!DOH!!!!!!!!!!At that point he was really flopping about and couldn't get his thoughts together, after the host pointed out how that would be ridiculous!!The banter went on for only a short period of time after that.But a Nurse did call in and said that the liver would most definitely have blood in it, most blood of all organs she said.Anyhow thats how the conversation went on the transplant story!!
Whew glad I didn't have to defend the Society's stance on Blood!!!!!!!!!!
Blood Issue Discussed on Radio!!!!!
by normie67 3 Replies latest jw friends
Thanks, Normie. This information is priceless.
What a good "Witness" that radio announcer gave to the world and the JW on blood. Or maybe it will cause new "light" to flood to the GB or whoever the hell is running the place now - ahh, you rank and file JW read it all wrong, organ transplant is wrong.
Lord have mercy on me - I was blind, but now can see. a verse from Jill Scotts' song A Long Walk.
Happy to be Free (Me)