Seriously, I watched it on CNN last night. It sounded like a wind up first of all.
Satanism going to be allowed in Orange County.
by quellycatface 9 Replies latest jw friends
And why shouldn't it? True Satanism is not about human sacrifices. It is not about sacrificing animals and abusing and torturing them in rituals. It is not about going on drug orgies. It is not about blowing up churches and mosques, though it is about not supporting them either. If people get the truth about both sides, they should be allowed to make their decisions based on what each side has to offer.
Should be allowed and tax free like every other franchise of religion.
Good; I don't see why it wasn't before.
j dubb
so many "going to be allowed.." was it not before? allowed by whom? "sounded like a wind up first of all?"
I don't know what to make at all of that last sentence.
Are you referring to the three week old story regarding the Satanic Temple making plans to hand out literature in Orange County Public Schools as a form of protest to other religious groups allowed to hand out bibles, etc?
Captain Obvious
Most 'satanists' are really just protesters of religion. Much like the Pastafarians, but with a little more bite because of their name.
Besides, in the bible satan isn't really all that bad of a dude. Jehovah is the real terror in the bible.
I always thought Satan had a lousy publicist!!
Satan loves animals according to satanists. He doesn't label them as false gods or as a waste of time. That's the GB's job.
Of course the born-again Christian typed will be raising Holy Hell about Satanist literature being allowed in school libraries. They think only THEIR brand of spirituality should be permitted. The best bet is to ask them what OTHER works would they disallow.....Jewish books, Hindu Books. Mormon books, Muslim books, etc. Same with allowing prayer in schools.....WHOSE prayers would be permitted? This is exactly why I consider Fundamentalist Christianity to be a CULT. They think THEIR truth is the ONLY truth. No other views permitted.
Which form of Satanism? Levay Stanism? If so it's a simple self-gratification cult that doesn't even believe in Satan or Gd and practices rituals in a made up langauge...
Theistic Satanism? If so they believe in the same thing as Christians just in reverse... God is bad... Satan is good.