Unbelievable, this is too much!!!
Barbie doll is now a JW!!!
by wolfman85 9 Replies latest jw friends
Calebs Airplane
You have got to be f**king kidding me...
Well maybe now once the depression sets in she will begin to eat more and get some meat on those skinny bones.
This must be a photoshop
Barbie learned alot from the Theocratic Ministry School. She is not shy at all in approaching strangers. Now she solicits for the Watchtower Society during the day and solicits for herself at night. Little does she realize that she is getting screwed while taking part in both ventures. Typical Jehovah's Witness living a double life!
Seems real ;) ... or really photoshopped of course ...
Pams girl
Aw you guys
Now she can be Basic Pioneer Barbie!
Since the late 1960's "Special Pioneer" Barbie has been serving where the need is much more fun... out in Malibu. Her Pioneer parther Midge was DF'd a while back for acts unbecoming a Christian. Oddly enough, around that same time, Midge's boyfriend Alan and Barbie's little Sister Skipper, were both publicaly reproved (but no one's supposed to be talking about that however there has been quiet a bit of speculation anyway). Since that went down, Barbies been wondering what the point of it all is. She's been bending some of the rules herself these days. In fact a few times she's been spotted working in Service alone with "Ministerial Servant" Ken in her convertable Corvette. Their blond hair flying in the breeze, their Boardies on under their serivce clothes and their surfboards conspicuously strapped to the back of her car. Both noticing the increasing breeze and both hoped the waves wouldn't become too gnarly by the time they'd finished thier territory.
More often than not these days, Barbie passes the time in service by daydreaming to herself, wondering which one of the lovely beach homes she'd called on that day would become her Malibu Dream House after Armageddon. For the most part she's maintained her Theocratic zeal but sometimes being a role model for all these go nowhere JW girls made her weary. There were times when she couldn't help but wonder how her life would have been if instead of accepting a Bible study with the Witnesses, she'd have continued with her career as an Airline Stewardess/Fashion Model. She often consoled herself by rationalizing that being "Special Pioneer" Barbie was a far cry better than being "Single Mom" Barbie or maybe worse...."Rehab Barbie". Still, no matter how many nice assembly outfits she owned or how many accolades she got because of her position in the Congregation, she worried about the future.
She knew that if this system of things didn't come to an end soon and had to continue Pioneering, she'd have to say goodbye to young "Bendable" Barbie and hello to "Bunion" Barbie, "Bifocals" Barbie, "Hot Flash" Barbie and eventually "Facial Hair" Barbie. Sometimes the thought of this eventuality became too much for her to bear. She'd remember how she'd learned over the years to block these unpleasant thoughts out with something more pleasant. Today she decided to think instead, about how perfectly turned out she was going to look in April wearing her new "Memorial" Barbie outfit with matching gray kid leather boots. It was remarkable how they coordinated perfectly with the Silver Sword edition of the Bible she'd be carrying that evening. Slowly she felt her anxiety subsid., She saw "Ministerial Servant" Ken loosen his tie as she turned off PCH and headed to Latigo Point. " I'll think about all that tomorrow" she told herself. She applied an especially heavy coat of zinc to her still perfect nose. "New System just around the corner or not....I'm not taking any chances".
That can't be real.
It is pretty funny, though.