"Home Is The Sailor.."

by Englishman 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • Englishman

    I mentioned last week that we had held a wake for my friend and quiz partner, Knocker John the sailor and submariner.

    This afternoon saw the completion of our good-byes, as Knocker was cremated after an amazing funeral. First off, the coffin arrived draped in the Royal Navy Ensign, Then, to the music of Moonlight Serenade, we all trooped into the chapel. A lady stood to take the service, and, suddenly I realised that Knockers last wish was to take place.

    About a year ago, I posted how Knocker and I had attended a funeral for someone else, and how marvellous the funeral had been because it had been a non-religious service. We had both been intrigued at how natural it all was, no prayers, no hymns, no preaching, just a fond farewell and a celebration and thanks for a life now finished. Knocker told me then that that was the style of funeral that he would like when his time came.

    Well, this time it was Knocker’s turn. For half an hour the lady told us all about his life, his ups, his downs, even his lady friends were included. We learned how he had spent time in the Falklands many years ago, and how, when his son had gone there to fight in the war with Argentina, how Knocker had warned him to not get too friendly with the local girls as several of them might be his sisters.

    Then his son told us a bit more about him, he was wearing Knocker’s service medals as a mark of respect.

    Finally, the officiating lady asked us all just to sit in silence whilst the Last Post was played, then, as we were standing to leave, she read an apt poem by R.L Stevenson that seemed just right for Knocker:

    Under the wide and starry sky
    Dig the grave and let me lie.
    Glad did I live, and gladly die,
    And I laid me down with a will.

    This be the verse you grave for me:
    “Here he lies, where he longed to be;
    Home is the sailor, home from the sea,
    And the hunter home from the hill.”

    You know what? It was good to be there. It was a fitting farewell, far superior to anything else that I have seen.


  • hillary_step

    Thank you E'Man,

    It is not every day that the desription of a funeral cheers a person up!

    Best regards - HS

    PS - Has anybody told you that you bear a striking resemblance to Roy Harper?

  • Englishman


    I got more hair..!


  • termite 35
    termite 35

    Hope you're not too sad today Eman;
    I can almost feel the calmness of your mood, the day sounds as though it left you feeling serene and accepting and thinking about the friend who's gone,as a good send off should..x

  • hillary_step


    Did you know that Roy was raised as a JW? He blames his mothers zeal for permanently blighting his view of religion.


  • TruckerGB

    Regretfully I could not attend Knockers funeral today due to work commitments,however all glasses were raised tonight in the pub with a simple toast,,,to Knocker John an absent friend,,,and just to finish the day off,his quiz team won!!,so maybe he did get those questions right to enter the pearly gates after all.

  • LittleToe

    That's a great poem, too.
    Robert Louis Stevenson was one of Scotland's finest.

    I'll charge a glass to your departed friend, too.
    Sorry to hear of your loss.

  • Englishman
    and just to finish the day off,his quiz team won!

    ...which Yours Truly captained..heh heh heh.


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