are many of these changes in the last 2 years inline with christedom?

by Crazyguy 5 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Crazyguy

    If so, its amazing that jah's chariot moves slower then Satan's and I think we could use this argument to maybe get people thinking. Thoughts

  • LostGeneration


    Most of the churches are liberalizing actual bible doctrine, something JWs will never go along with (gay marriage, female clergy). JW changes are primarily blowing smoke up the collective ass of the Rank and File with the purpose of making them think there is progress, when its just change for legal or monetary reasons alone.

  • dabster

    Hi Crazyguy. Not only do I doubt what you're saying but I also wish you'd say "slower than". Say than, then your grammar will be more correct than it is at the moment. (I guess, Crazyguy, that this was a typo - don't take me too seriously - just feeling a bit pedantic right now).

  • prologos

    It happened in my lifetime, life-changing with the Superior Authorities, and

    Catching up with Babylon seems to be working again with the new General metting 2014 talks, simplifying all parables (except the 1919 Faithful slave) and applying them as general lessons to all 'true Christians', 'anointed' AND OS.

    The overlapping Generation has put greater distance between the chariots. 1919 GB FDS too.

  • The Searcher
    The Searcher

    As with any business venture, - and JW.ORG is a business, first & foremost - it's all about clientele & revenue streams.

    JW.ORG is only now catching up with the rest of Christendom's more "in-your-face" requests for donations.

  • Phizzy

    But, as Crazy says, you would think JWorg would be ahead, Big J's Chariot is always a long way behind the rest. We have had TV Evangelists for decades, and religious TV channels too.

    The LDS TV was up and running long ago, and is copied by the new JWtv almost exactly, except it comes over as much more acceptable to the public, with its emphasis on Family and Charitable works. The latter being something the latter day Saints can shout about, and JW.Org cannot.

    Jehoobers Chariot is always playing catchup, and never quite gets it up to the standard of what is already out there.


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