What happens when you have DOUBTS?
1. You ask questions and demand answers
2. You investigate
3. You don't go around acting like you are sure
4. You are skeptical
5. You are apt to test things
What happens when you have zero DOUBT?
1. You become annoyed when others question you
2. You double-down
3. You accept without question
4. You expect others to treat you like you KNOW.
5. You pity those who doubt
With the above in mind, doesn't it become easy to see why fundamentalist religion decries DOUBTING
and demands complete Faith and Loyalty in what they teach you?
Does SCIENCE come from skepticism, testing, and inquiry? Yes. Science is a method of testing by inquiry and experiment.
Does FAITH come from acting like you know and pitying those who doubt? Yes. Religion sneers at doubt and ends up with talking snakes,
invisible persons and blood sacrifice as the highest form of love.
Ladies and Gentleman, all I ask is that you reflect on the above and draw your own conclusions.