Dubs have been warned about Dateline show

by Mulan 5 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Mulan

    This last weekend, there was a Circuit Assembly (one day) for our area. The guy from New York, who was the main speaker, warned those in attendance about a television program, coming up, that attempts to discredit them, but 'remember that those who are on the show, are apostates'.

    The one who told about it, was very anxious to see the show. It might backfire on them. Hahahahha

    Marilyn (aka Mulan)
    "No one can take advantage of you, without your permission." Ann Landers

  • Thirdson


    They'd be better off keeping quiet and hoping that most would miss seeing the program especially as it falls on a meeting night. Saying "keep away" is the biggest enticement to watch it or even record it and watch it later.


  • patio34

    Mulan, Here's hoping it does backfire on them. Curiousity alone will make some of them view it. I e-mailed an article to my son about it, saying that it might be good to keep up-to-date and how some at the doors may have questions.


  • closer2fine

    I'm not surprised. My parents (loyal JW's - elder/pioneer) haven't returned any of my calls the last few days. Probably don't want to have to defend themselves for sticking their heads in the sand.

    I'll just have to tape it for them


    Solid stone is just sand and water, baby
    Sand and water, and a million years gone by - beth nielsen chapman

  • Sabine

    Hi Mulan, I ran into some jws at the grocery store today...they are currently not attending (their daughter was molested by a young teen brother, it took 10 years for him to be df'd), anyway, I told them to be sure and watch dateline tuesday. They said they knew you, but for some reason thought your hubby used to partake...were they confusing him with your dad?

  • deddaisy

    Mulan, the assembly was the the 27th of May? I'm only inquiring because this "sister" that stops by didn't seem to know anything about it by the way she talked, the 20th or so......
    My "physical" JW sister hasn't been around, so I didn't know whether to make an attempt or not......Do you think she's aware of it then?

    This is TRULY B.S. when you can't approach your family members concerning the religion that they're involved in without FEAR.......
    fear that they can't speak to you or you can't speak to them, or neither of us can speak to dead ancestors , you get the point.........

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