Is the creature in the Paradise Lost book inside cover, the Loch Ness monster?
Question for old-timers - Paradise Lost - Creature in the Sea?
by berrygerry 5 Replies latest watchtower bible
Of course.
The years wasted studying that book as a kid.........
Definately !! I cant believe someone else has the spirit inspired insight to have realised this.
If anyone wants proof it exists you only need consult the watchtower.
Believe brother believe, do not even consider other explanations they have satans fingerprints all over them.
Go nessie our salvation is in your hands.
............and Jehovah(tm) lives on Alycone too.
Still Totally ADD
I don't know but as a little kid that was one of pictures I would look at alot during those long boring meetings. Still Totally ADD
It looks like a dinosaur...with a pteradactyl flying nearby....brontosaurus below (or whatever new name).