WTS and Aliens

by gsx1138 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • gsx1138

    One of the things that always annoyed me about the WTS is there rigid belief that there is no other intelligent life in the universe. I always believed that there was at the very least a mathematical chance and just common sense. As a species humans are not all that. I've been gone for awhile so can anyone tell me if they changed their stance on that viewpoint (ya know "new light").
    Also, I do believe that extraterretrial life would include single cell organisms. Sure it's not as exciting as E.T. but I think it counts.

  • Elsewhere

    The answer is a resounding "NO".

    *** g90 4/8 9-11 Extraterrestrials-Finding the Answer ***
    What About Life on Other Planets?
    Some influential religious figures have insisted that God would not create any world without purpose and that all habitable worlds must therefore be inhabited. Is that what the Bible says? No. The Bible indicates that it is very unlikely that God at this point has created intelligent physical creatures on any planets other than our own. How so?

    If God did create such beings, he did so before he created Adam and Eve. Such beings either remained faithful to their Creator, or like Adam and Eve, they sinned and fell into imperfection.
    But if they became imperfect, they needed a redeemer. As one essayist put it: “One has this dreadful thought that on Friday [the day Jesus Christ was executed], every Friday, somewhere in the universe Jesus is being hanged high for someone’s sins.” But that is not Scriptural. The Bible tells us that Jesus “died with reference to sin once for all time.”—Romans 6:10.

    What if these beings had remained perfect? Well, when Adam and Eve sinned, they were, in effect, questioning God’s right to rule over a world of intelligent physical beings. If another planet existed at that time, a world full of intelligent physical beings who were living harmoniously and loyally under God’s rule, would they not have been called in as witnesses to testify that God’s rule does indeed work? This conclusion seems inescapable, since he has already used even imperfect humans as witnesses in his behalf on that very issue.—Isaiah 43:10.

    Does that mean, then, that God created all those countless millions of suns (and planets if they exist) for no purpose? Not at all. While we know, considering the uniqueness of Jesus Christ, that the earth is the only inhabited planet in the universe right now, and while we know, too, that it will forever stand unique as the planet where the Creator vindicated the rightfulness of his rulership, what the future holds we do not know.

    "As every one knows, there are mistakes in the Bible" - The Watchtower, April 15, 1928, p. 126
    Believe in yourself, not mythology.
    <x ><

  • Satanus


    Imagine if other intelligent physical life is found and it knows nothing of jehovah and his great name, or satan the dirty rascal and their cosmic tug of war. That would show this whole religion thing to be a crock of *&%#.


  • gsx1138

    The discovery of other life will not ruin religion. You forget they have the best spin doctors the world has ever seen. As for my religion, it has the posibility of other life because we are all part of a greater whole. It is generally viewed, by the Wiccans that I know, that anyone who believes that God only created us to be the intelligent beings in the universe is arrogant.
    I do see your point though. Those religions that rely on a central diety figure are pretty much screwed. I think Hindu's, Buddhist's, and Pagan's to name a few will be vindicated by such a discovery since most don't believe we are the center of the universe.

  • SYN

    SS: Many humans have already discovered this very fact!

    "Vaccination has never saved a human life. It does not prevent smallpox." The Golden Age, Feb 4 1931 p. 293-4 - The Sacredness of Human Blood (Reasons why vaccination is unscriptural)

  • nancee park
    nancee park

    Values like kindness, helping the sick, believing in a power whether energy or intelligent being that formed the universe cuts across all religions on Earth and would do the same among other planets' populations as well.

    Earth's people will push on to Mars and beyond but while doing so must beware of dangerous back on earth, the possibility of new deadly microbes on other worlds and the like. The Bible has a verse saying My Father has MANY mansions.

    That there are other wondrous planets and creatures all over the universe would only magnify the wonder.

  • Satanus


    I see what you mean about spindocs.


  • SYN

    Nancee: That is if we don't blow ourselves up first. Remember, the people who control are futures right now are the exact same people with their fingers on the Big Red Button.

    "Vaccination has never saved a human life. It does not prevent smallpox." The Golden Age, Feb 4 1931 p. 293-4 - The Sacredness of Human Blood (Reasons why vaccination is unscriptural)

  • raven101

    Okay, you got me here gsx & elsewhere, i have to reply to this one.

    The organizations logic is presumptuous, one-sided, and unimaginative, as well as specifically designed to discourage free thought. And as usual the very argument they use in defence of their opinion can be used against it.

    "If God did create such beings, he did so before he created Adam and Eve. Such beings either remained faithful to their Creator, or like Adam and Eve, they sinned and fell into imperfection."

    Hello people, study a little quantum physics and the new theories, time is an illusion, therefore there is not necessarily any 'before' or 'after' in the spiritual realm. There is also the possibility of multiple realities or dimensions, jesus could have died ONCE in multiple dimensions.

    "But that is not Scriptural. The Bible tells us that Jesus “died with reference to sin once for all time.”—Romans 6:10."

    Precisely what I'm saying, even discounting adjusted time or multiple dimensions, Jesus might have died fifty-zillion years ago on a far away planet and the 'death' witnessed here could well have just been a reenactment of that sacrifice. Romans 6:10 could in fact be interpreted as an illustration of that very fact! Why else stress "once for all time."

    "What if these beings had remained perfect? Well, when Adam and Eve sinned, they were, in effect, questioning God’s right to rule over a world of intelligent physical beings. If another planet existed at that time, a world full of intelligent physical beings who were living harmoniously and loyally under God’s rule, would they not have been called in as witnesses to testify that God’s rule does indeed work? This conclusion seems inescapable, since he has already used even imperfect humans as witnesses in his behalf on that very issue.—Isaiah 43:10."

    Why would they presume that? Obviously one realm of creation need not necessarily HAVE ANYTHING TO DO WITH ANOTHER, why do they presume it would? In fact there may be multiple realities and this would not go against 'scripture', it makes sense that each creation would be judged on its own merit. THERE IS NO LOGICAL WAY THAT ANY PART OF THE BIBLE CAN BE INTERPRETED TO DISCOUNT THE POSSIBILITY OF OTHER LIFE!
    When god talks about 'the beginning' in the scriptures there is no way of proving he wasn't just talking about OUR beginning, after all what other reference do we need?

    You know what? I am really not interested in the idea of extraterrestrial life, mainly because as far as far as I'm concerned it still leaves the big question unanswered. But unlike the WT I am not blind enough to EVER discount it!
    If you are really searching for the truth you don't go around discounting shit that you have no real means of proving or disproving!

    Let's face it, it is glaringly apparent that they are just trying to discourage free thought, as usual.
    The lines of reasoning and scriptures they used could be used to bolster any number of theories . . . they, however, chose the theory that was least condusive to free thought or speculation . . . IMAGINE THAT!


  • Elsewhere

    [quote[The Bible tells us that Jesus “died with reference to sin once for all time.”—Romans 6:10."[/quote]

    They could easily spin that to mean sin on earth.

    "As every one knows, there are mistakes in the Bible" - The Watchtower, April 15, 1928, p. 126
    Believe in yourself, not mythology.
    <x ><

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