I might be wrong but I have a gut feeling that all this emphasis on visual presentation through this new fangled big boys toys for the Governing Body called JW.ORG TV will result in over exposure.
Lets face it it's a known fact that television just swallows up material very quickly every musical hall act and entertainer every film star knows the danger of easily being type cast and over exposed. When will the boredom threshold start to kick in when will people start to realise it's all repetative especially with the mind numbing subjects on offer.
It took me awhile to realise that it was the same old regurgitated story. One day the repetion just got to me while I was reading the umpteenth past publication same, same, same starting with Adam and Eve ,the Devil, the Serpent ,Jehovah's name , etc. oh and always ended with the New World after the big mass destruction of most human beings from the face of the earth.
Maybe after watching all the hype some Witnesses of long standing will think Ok fair enough point made but now where do we go from here? Some might even think isn't it about time they left to do something really useful towards helping other people for a change.
Lets hope so.