The Foundation Stones of Reveaatin 21

by HowTheBibleWasCreated 3 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • HowTheBibleWasCreated

    When I still believed this always bothered me. The Apostles names were on the stones. (I know this is all part of an apoclaytipic work but lets flow with it)

    I knew Judas killed himself.

    So was it Matthias,,,,, According to the AID book (Big blue one) under ``Apostles Paul was number 12 being personaly selected by Christ

    At the time it made sene and I belived it until I was 31.

    But looking again over the AID book (I probably does give you AIDS lol) it says under ``Paul`` that Matthias was number 12 since the apostled prayed... (sort of)

    Wow One volume..

    They HAVE NO IDEA!

    I`m curently and Atheist (sort of Quantum Mysticism Buddism) But this stupidity in the same book.... is shocking

  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    What's Reveaatin ??

    But this shocking

  • Phizzy

    Just proves they don't even read their own s*** publications.

  • prologos

    John was high on something and he was not the last one to attempt to write in that state. oviously.

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