Can Being tied in and preaching through the internet not be classed as being part of the World and false religion or does that not count should they "get out of her my people"
Get out of her my people all you naughty rascals at JW.ORG
by edmond dantes 2 Replies latest watchtower bible
I don't think that using modern technology and the internet could make one be part of "Babylon the Great" (the JW definition of it). But, if the Bible is true and the god of the Bible is real (and that's a big "if"), then I think that the "her" is or includes JWdom, and the ones getting out "her" are the ones who leave JWdom because they are truth-seekers - they are honest and real and discerning and they have backbone. They seek and they learn TTATT and they have the inner strength to act on what they learn and break free (even if they superficially remain in the org because of family or other reasons).
So, to me, it makes no sense to say that the "rascals at JW.ORG" should get of "her". They are "her" or at least a part of "her". [Again, that view is supposing the Bible to be true, and I haven't decided yet how I feel about that, but the evidence against it is looking stronger to me with every passing day.]
edmond dantes
Magnon yes you make a good point how could they get out of her so to speak if they are not part of her and that is also their point of view however I would suggest they are guilty by association and are sitting at the same table lobbing crispy dinner cobs at all the other religions . But as you say if the Bible is real? or is God real? then if not then it's all cobblers anyway you look at it.
My point is they are emulating TV religious programmes and presenters and from the JWs past statements about the internet it looks as if they are tarring themselves with the same brush I mean they always go around saying that they are the only ones to preach from door to door well now Babylon the Great and their method of working I would suggest have an extra guest visiting for awhile.