Sleep Problems

by lambsbottom 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • lambsbottom

    Hi everyone,

    So, about a week and a half ago I finally realized that I am not longer one of JWs, since I don't believe they are God's organization.

    However, for two weeks, I have slept horrible! My spouse thinks its stress. I sleep all night but just don't feel that rested in the morning. My Chiropractor friend recommended a sleep study.


  • Terry

    Get a bicycle and get off on the road in the fresh air and clear your head to feel what FREEDOM means!

    Peddle far and away and watch the day unfold.

    Listen to the song of birds and trace the pattern of snowy clouds adrift in a sea of blue.

    Everything else now behind you was the corrupt nightmare of misguided men.

    They are nothing.

    Their disapproval is your badge of honor.

    At the end of day, climb into your bed to the cool caress of soft sheets and kiss the night on the lips.

    You earned a night's sleep.

    It will come to you unsummoned because you earned it with the strength of your body and clarity of your vision.

    Awaken and see that old world for what it was; the little crust in the corner of your eyes . . . and nothing more.

  • Finkelstein

    Terry's suggestion is one I would personally pursue for the exercise will do your body some good and release your mind from the problems involving leaving the Borg.

    Get yourself involved in reading some books of interest or novels, go to a public library etc.

    Get yourself involved in hobbies or start a needed project around your house such as cleaning, painting .


    Ironically as I say that, perhaps coming to JWnet might not be good for you in your mental state right now.

    So push yourself away from the computer and get going.

  • lambsbottom

    Thanks y'all!!!

  • aintenoughwiskey

    Exercise is good. Avoid blue light (tv, computer monitors) before bed. Generic benadryl is good for temporary relief, it's the active ingredient in many over the counter products. If you happen to be male, a round of horizontal bop usually helps with stress relief and sleep

  • jgnat

    The sleep study is a great idea. Even if nothing comes of it, you will have at least ruled out Sleep Apnea. Sleep Apnea is a silent killer. Sufferers do report getting a full night's sleep but waking up not rested. Best to rule it out.

  • GrreatTeacher

    I tend to agree that it's related to the stress of your new realization. If your mood is on the depressed side, you could be suffering some nonrestorative sleep issues. When you are depressed, your sleep patterns are off and you tend to feel fatigue.

    Take care of yourself in general. Eat well, maybe take a vitamin and try to get some exercise every day. Also, work through the shock of learning TTATT. I'm willing to bet that this problem will subside when you get over the emotional shock and your personal life is back into some semblance of a (new) routine. If it lasts longer than a month or two, consider going to the doctor and getting screened for depression.

    Until then, the advice given is good. Avoid computer screens before bed, get exercise, shut the bedroom door to avoid interruptions, keep the room very dark and run a fan for white noise. Benadryl is an effective medication if you really need help sleeping.

    I really believe this is about your psychological and emotional needs right now during your transition. The body responds to the mind. And, it's okay to get a little extra shut eye right now. We process things during sleep. You're just mentally overloaded right now.

  • Hairtrigger

    Get your blood sugar levels checked. Take care.

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