Does this end with them actually attempting to take over the world as they profess to want to do? Granted, they are "extremists", but can they really garner enough extremist converts to make a run at it?
Islam - Where Does This End?
by Sam Whiskey 6 Replies latest jw friends
Of course I am shocked and sad about what is happening there.
History is repeating itself that in the name of God, the most horrible things happen.
Nevertheless. IS IS NOT ISLAM. They are brainwashed fundamentalists who exist also in other religions.
Watched a series on WWII and the rise and fall of Hitler and Stalin. They were wrecking balls and tyrants and eventually after 100,000,000 deaths were brought to an end.
I cant see it, there are over 50 million muslims in Europe the bulk coming from The UK , France , Germany and Bosnia, the growth they have comes from amoungst their vast birth rate, it occured to me a few years ago that a very minute rate comes from non muslims converting, ask ourselves how many people do we know who have converted to Islam, I know 1 girl , when was the last European nation to be a complete Muslim secular country ? none , I dont dont believe there are any in the pipeline, the caucasian ruling elite bloodlines are safe for the next few hundred years
Like with Christianity undergoing a evolutionary step by being exposed to the sciences and education the same path must be followed in the Islamic communities. Education and knowledge has the power to shatter myths.
Living close to Indonesia which has the largest Muslim population at 209,120,000 can be scary.
Even the average, kind Muslim believes that all humans were born into Islam but converted to another belief. So, when a person converts to Islam, they are, according to Muslims, REverting to their original religion. Muslims believe that Islam will be the religion of all of the world eventually. Actually, Muslims are very willing to talk to Christians, and are surprised when they find a Christian who doesn't believe in the Trinity. It is so surprising to them, that they are very happy to discuss religion in a most amicable manner.
Anyway, Take Care!