SIGN: 10th Planet and 2003

by spaz 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • spaz

    Hey Guys, Gleaned this this morning. Anyone got any input?
    The Only "Sign" of Christ's Return: The 10th Planet & 2003
    by:- Fat Jack McCracken

    Forget about everything your preacher taught you about eschatology. Forget about exegesis on Daniel. Forget about the gospel non-signs paraded as 'signs'.

    The gospel accounts of Mathew 24:1-14, Mark 13:1-13 and Luke 21:5-19 are simple statements about the nature of the repeating patterns of human history: When first uttered, these things were then future. That these events are non-signs is clear in the context of Jesus' explicit warning,"Look out that nobody misleads you"(with non-signs).

    The so-called Great Tribulation can be described as a Great Distress. It is 'Great' in the sense of DURATION. Nothing before in the history of man has approximated the duration of this Distress. It appears to commence circa 70 A.D.. Now, the Master never used the term, "last days", only "the last day"(singular). His disciples reckoned the "last days" as commencing on the day of Pentecost. Both the periods called the "last days" and the "great distress" have been running uninterruptedly since the first century. In short, there is no secondary set of "last days" nor a secondary period of "great tribulation".

    However, the disciples Peter, James, Johm and Andrew, according to Mathew's account asked Jesus for a "sign"(singular) as harbinger to his Return, erroneously believing such to happen in their day. Jesus reply first addresses the destruction of Jerusalem from which the "great distress" (v21) apparently commenced. Notwithstanding the rantings of end-timers, from Jerusalem's destruction til now there has been NO major prophecy fulfillment.

    The next major event in world affairs is not wars, earthquakes, famines, etc.. The next major event, according to God's greatest prophet, is when a powerful planetary influence interrupts life on earth. This celestial event is identified:- "the sun will darken, the moon will dim, the stars will fall and the powers of the heavens will be shaken"(v29).

    Now, there seems to be astronomical evidence that the so-called 12th planet, or 10th planet as it's currently known, visits our solar system approximately every 3600 years. Some identify this planet as Nibiru, but it has been known by other names. In some quarters alarmists are preaching doom. It seems as though this 10th planet may pass through our solar system in May-June of 2003. Based on ancient records and conjecture it seems that Nibiru is capable of shading the sun's light on earth's surface and diminishing the reflective nature of the moon's light toward the color red. As this planet passes through our solar system with its powerful magnetic field it can attract and repel space matter, giving the impression to earth-bound residents that 'stars' are flying everywhere. Its effects on planet Earth may result in a violent pole shift, volcanic eruptions and tidal distortions, which might make an earthling think, 'the powers of the heavens are shaking the earth'.

    I am proposing that Christ Jesus may well have know about this celestial phenomenon of a 3600 year planetary cycle when he uttered his famous words as recorded in Mathew 24:29. The only "sign"(singular) as harbinger to Christ's "Coming" is a literal celestial commotion. There is a chunk of time between the celestial "sign" and the actual "Coming" itself; "...these events will happen within the lifetime of this generation". This celestial "sign" is merely signifying the approach of "summer". The culmination of 'summer' is the actual "Coming" itself. Therefore, the thieflike nature of Christ's Return is NOT linked to the "sign" of celestial commotion when Nibiru passes, but connected to the latter event, the "Coming" itself.


    wow let us then counter act the
    watchtower and print our own info
    in our own magazine called the EXtower and become true prophets
    with its companion the the AFAKE. cuse me i've been drinking
    have a nice day

  • Elsewhere

    Based on the data from this image, and the assumption that Nibiru is within one year of the earth (between Mars and Jupiter), the planet should be visible to the naked eye by now. [8>]

    "As every one knows, there are mistakes in the Bible" - The Watchtower, April 15, 1928, p. 126
    Believe in yourself, not mythology.
    <x ><

  • Elsewhere

    Heres a guy who is full of crap:

    "As every one knows, there are mistakes in the Bible" - The Watchtower, April 15, 1928, p. 126
    Believe in yourself, not mythology.
    <x ><

  • ItsJustlittleoldme

    Quick, someone check with the Pyramids.. Are they 'pointing' towards the new planet's spot in the sky where it will become visible??

    Hey, I think we're onto something here folks.. The Pyramids seem to be in agreement...

  • gsx1138

    Someone's been reading a little too much Sitchin. I like his theory's but I always get off the bus when someone starts talking about an apocolypse.

  • dmouse

    Hi Spaz, welcome to the board.

    Just one word of advice - don't sell your home and go preaching this stuff in the remaining months before the end.

  • SYN

    Exactly what "space matter" would be flying around? Last time I checked, Earth didn't have an ASTEROID BELT!!!!

    Also notice the fact that the asteroid belt is relatively stable - unless this planet came in severely off the plane of the ecliptic, it would have repeatedly screwed around with the asteroid belt, causing gaps & things. Last time I checked, there was no evidence of this.

    OK, my bogometer just redlined!

    "Vaccination has never saved a human life. It does not prevent smallpox." The Golden Age, Feb 4 1931 p. 293-4 - The Sacredness of Human Blood (Reasons why vaccination is unscriptural)

  • Francois

    Never mind about all that.

    As far as I'm concerned, all things JW come from the SEVENTH planet. That is, they come directly out of Uranus. Or many my anus, who knows?



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