Choices for JW with Ebola: die by refusing blood transfusion or be DF'd

by goingthruthemotions 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • goingthruthemotions

    Suppose a JWombie gets Ebola and the only treatment is a blood transfusion. will that person die because they want to please there God the WTBTS or

    die a spiritual death because they wanted to save there life and get DF'd?

    What a sad sad situation......the GB/FDS/WTBTS are going to loose a lot of members needlessly.....because there god the BORG won't allow blood transfusion.

    I would not even dare ask my wife what she thinks...because her cult mind comes out and she will die for the BORG!!!!!!!!

    Screw the BORG....those filthy pinky finger wearing ring pharissees!.

    I HATE THE GB/FDS/ know why? IT'S A CULT!!!!!!


  • Simon

    It's really the same choice as a car-crash victim or other patient has:

    Stick to the man-made creed with no sound biblical basis or accept possibly life-saving treatment.

    The number of people who it will affect is likely to be negligable - blood transfusions from survivors are being used as early experimental treatments for a handful of cases. If there were many more cases then it's unlikely the blood would be available.

  • JimmyPage

    Wouldn't that be great if transfusions became the regular treatment? It would wipe out all the uber-dedicated JWs who refused blood. And the winner of the Darwin Award goes to... Okay, I don't really wish they would all die but it sure is exhausting having to deal with their endless bullshit.

    But we know what would happen. They would compromise and find a way to justify it by cherry-picking some scriptures. The show will go on.

  • 3rdgen

    Jimmy you're right.

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    JWs don't need to worry about it. As long as they attend all the meetings, go out in service regularly and pray, Big J will save 'em. Death by Ebola is only for "worldly" people.

  • AnnOMaly


    "As of October 2, of the 2,800 Witnesses in Guinea and Sierra Leone, one female Witness who was a nurse contracted the Ebola virus and died on September 25, 2014. Of the 6,365 Witnesses in Liberia, 10 have died as a result of the disease; 6 were health workers." -

  • goingthruthemotions

    AnnOMaly: my hunch is they died for the there God the WTBTS.

    Jehovah and Jesus must be sick of see all the killings done by the false god WTBTS.


  • minimus

    Take the blood, get punishment and seek forgiveness, later. All will be fine.

  • mana11

    Frankly regardless of what faith or belief, the very last treatment I would accept would be blood trasfusion.

    No way in hell would i ever take that. I thnk you would need ot be totally bonkers in fact.

    I take it none of you have been near an african hospital?.

    Forget about ebola, death is normal in africa for the smallest things.

    go in for a tooth ache you dead, women get the rawest deals. some years ago a friend was in labor, the doctor a USA doc as well cut her femeral artery. he killed about 12 people then the hospital asked him to leave.

    The original first outbreak in congo was in a mission, the mission were using the same needles to jab all the mothers comeing for anti nat checks,,

    they only had 5 needles to use, thats blood for ya!.

    Ebola is coming to a town near YOU soon!...

    and it doesnt care what faith you have!.

  • WTWizard

    And what about doctrines that expose the jokehovian witlesses to the disease, and many others that are much easier to catch (such as tuberculosis), in the first place? I can't think of a more efficient way to catch something than going from door to door, often in areas where these diseases are more likely to be. And sending them to hospitals (and nursing homes) to spread their cancer is a sure way to expose them to the sickest people, so they have the best chance of catching the disease. Unlike nurses, the jokehovians do not have proper protective gear or training to reduce the risks--again, exposing them also to such as tuberculosis as well as this ebola crisis.

    These people have similar choices there, too. If they refuse to go to those doors, they are "spiritually weak". If they refuse to spread their smut in hospitals, they are "spiritually weak". And, if they wish to pious-sneer (basic or otherwise), they are expected to take the lead and head to those dangerous calls where they can contract diseases (exotic or more common). Ultimately, it's a wonder the jokehovians haven't yet experienced a tuberculosis outbreak within themselves where the general public only has sporadic cases.

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