Strange quote about JW

by scary21 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • scary21

    So I'm reading a book about a young black man sent to prison for 40 years. The name of the book is " In The Place of Justice " A story of punishment and deliverance. By Wilbert Rideau. After a number of years he is allowed to go on trips out of the prison to make speeches. One time he was told if he had a girlfriend she could meet him for a over night holiday.

    On page 127 I came to this strange quote.

    " I couldn't believe my ears. I did have a girlfriend, Dot, a beautiful black-haired white woman of about forty with a figure years of dancing had given her. I had met her the previous year at a Jehovah's Witnesses' gathering at Angola. She tried to interest me in the Word, and we fell in love. She was my first girlfriend. She had told her husband, a business executive, who had no objection to Dot and me exchanging passion-filled letters. But he did not know about her prison visits, granted at the discretion of prison authorities for inmates who got few or no visits, or about the speaking trips for which Phelps had just made me eligible. I knew Dot would go anywhere to be with me, although her race might sometimes present problems."

    WOW is that strange or what ? LOL Oh, by the way, the book is very good.

  • steve2

    The excerpt reads like something out of Mills & Boon with role reversal. Really odd - like the author's need to make an impression overrides any subtlety.

  • talesin

    It sounds like Dot and hubbie were very 'liberal' JWs! I'm guessing it was the 50s / 60s because of the mention of her race causing problems ....... very odd, indeed! I wonder if Dot's executive husband was an Overseer? (that's what they were called, back in the day)


  • scary21

    This was, according to him in 1975. ( of all years ) Also this took place in Louisiana.

  • Oubliette

    It's apparently auto-biographical.

  • scary21

    Yes it is a memoir, just the kind of book I like. He was sentenced to death at nineteen after panicking and killing a woman in a bank robbery.

    He found purpose and hope in prison and turned his life around. I give this book three stars.

  • Oubliette

    scary21: He found purpose and hope in prison and turned his life around. I give this book three stars.

    I wonder how many stars the woman he killed would give his book?

  • scary21

    There is also a mention in the book about JW having an office at the prison in the educational building along with the Jaycees and Narcotics Anonymous. WOW

  • scary21

    I would say zero stars......But it was a very interesting book. Lots of history and what life in prison is like.

  • smiddy

    I wonder how many stars (scars) dots husband would give her .


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