Female Subjection Lunacy

by metatron 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • metatron


    I do wonder about the 'head covering'. Seriously?

    Looking on the bright side, at least they're eliminating vicious mysognists with bombs. This and female Kurdish snipers may have spooked ISIS.

    It's a strange world we live in. If sisters wore a head covering, could they direct brothers into parking spaces? Or are penises an absolute requirement?


  • SAHS

    From above newspaper article: “Several air forces, including those of the US, the UK and Pakistan, have female pilots, although most have not been deployed in combat. In the Emirates, the decision to embrace women pilots is part of a broader campaign to increase female participation in key areas: ministerial posts, where women now hold four portfolios; parliament, which has nine female members; and, more recently, the judiciary, with the appointment of the first female judge.”

    And women can do all of that, even in those Middle-Eastern countries, and they are not allowed to even work behind the literature counter, operate the sound system, or handle the microphones in the Goddamn Kingdom Hall! I have to say – that really blows me away (and not in a good way).

    My thumbs up and genuine respect for the women. . . . But as for the Watchtower organization, well, all I can say is, Ridiculous! Shame on them.


    Women are happier in subservient roles. Don't you know that?!? It's science.


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