The “He for She” campaign UN started recently (urging men to stand up for the rights of their mothers, sisters and daughters) is now gathering momentum. (
Will this awaken the sleeping giant (also called body of men) among JWs? Will any of them ever ask: “Why deny equal rights and opportunities to half our population under the garb of ancient Bible or tradition? Aren't we all born of both mother and father? And doesn't each of us have both the masculine and feminine aspects in us? Isn’t denying a part of us, clearly, to deny our totality?
Though UN announced this six months ago, The Watchtower and Awake! have chosen not to see it in contrast to the lightening speed with which JWs gave publicity to UN’s declaring of 1986 as “the Year for International Peace,” dedicating even a book for it! Yet, not a passing comment appeared so far even in their “Watching the World” page! How true is the saying “people see what they are prepared to see!”