Catholic (not JW apostate) exposes bizarre 1914 doctrine CONTRADICTION

by yadda yadda 2 6 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    A Catholic (NB - note a JW apostate) utterly demolishes the JW's chronoprophetic 1914 creed here:

    In doing so he points out as follows a strikingly arbitrary and contradictory application of the 2520 days used to arrive at 1914 and 1260 days used to arrive at 1918:

    "Before I conclude, while I was preparing this article, I came across another devastating detail by accident, as I was simply reading over Revelation 11:2-3 ,

    1 And a reed like a rod was given me as he said: “Get up and measure the temple [sanctuary] of God and the altar and those worshiping in it. 2 But as for the courtyard that is outside the temple [sanctuary], cast it clear out and do not measure it, because it has been given to the nations, and they will trample the holy city underfoot for forty-two months. 3 And I will cause my two witnesses to prophesy a thousand two hundred and sixty days dressed in sackcloth.” (NWT)

    I was stunned when I read this, because verse 2 speaks of a time when the Gentile nations "will trample the holy city," a clear reference to the trampling of Jerusalem Jesus spoke of. Further, the Greek word for "trample" is only used 5 times in the New Testament, and the only time trampling of a city is used is here and (you guessed it) Luke 21:24!! But why are the JWs going to Daniel 4, which doesn't speak of trampling, yet avoid Revelation 11:2 , which clearly speaks of trampling Jerusalem by Gentile Nations? The answer is clear: the time frame Scripture gives for this trampling is 42 months (1,260 days), exactly half of what the JWs claim it needed to be! And after doing some further investigation into this verse, it turns out the JWs ignore any connection with Luke 21:24 (for obvious reasons) and instead claim it is actually a literal 42 months, and this trampling took place between 1914AD and 1918AD when their GB leadership was being jailed for alleged legal offenses. This all too convenient JW response and interpretation is simply ridiculous and clearly done out of desperation."

  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    The Watchtower has always mocked Catholics for their beliefs but now Catholics are rightly MOCKING the ridiculous 1914 creed of the JW's for the lunacy it is.

    How are JW's going door to door honestly expected to 'make a defence' of their faith with respect to this lunatic creed still being perpetuated by the cynical and deluded Watchtower leadership.

    The 1914 creed has clearly done it's dash 100 years after the date, yet the Watchtower Society is still shoving this absurd nonsense down their otherwise sincere congregation members long-suffering throats, and is even now arranging congregation video presentations and demonstrations to help JW's understand and explain the doctrine to householders.



  • zeb

    I read through this and got a bit lost but the one thing that jumped out at me was the consideration of Roman years and biblical years. One is 365 days and the other is 360 days. (being lunar years.) and it looks like the wts just adds them together. I wonder too at the use by Russel of the great Pyramids and their dimensions. Russell used some measurements of them but he (with my head shaking) used imperial measurements as some sort of yardstick....problem being the ancient egyptians never had imperial meaurements.

    and all this prophetic stuff hinges on the saying that one thousand years is but a day with god etc.... and "therefore that means".. perhaps this expression was merely referring to the timelessness of god.. if so the wts and Armstrongs and probably a score of others who desire to predict are being deluded and missing a serious issue. The issue being, house widows and orphans, love one another, work hard, be honest, care for the sick.....etc.

  • smiddy

    The average ? jehovahs witnesses are not bible scholars and dont do their own research , they rely entirely on whatever is printed in WT publications.

    So this information like so much any other goes completely over their heads , with none of it being retained.


  • daringhart13

    The vast majority of JW's would have no clue what you were even talking about.'s that bad.

  • steve2

    The reduced ability to reason among the rank and file is concerning enough, but their apathy over the calculations leading to the year 1914 CE is even worse. They believe what they're told not so much because they have to but because they otherwise have no desire to question it. Apathy rules, okay!

  • Hairtrigger

    Thank you. Marked

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