One example of half lies (and lies) in noolite "God's Kingdom Rules!"

by hamsterbait 1 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • hamsterbait

    Page 160 para 12:

    " ... Although the audit turned up no irregularities, the tax authorities levied a crippling tax against AJT. If successful, the tactic WOULD HAVE LEFT our brothers with little choice but to close the branch office and sell the buildings in order to pay the huge tax."

    Excuse me?? WOULD?? They DID sell them at a profit. Now they are asking the french gofors for MORE money.

    Para 13: "the French government finally returned the tax levied against AJT with interest and, in compliance with the Court's order, removed the liens on the branch property. ( a mere office by that time if I am correct.)

    Sooo What is the 85 - 90 millions they got back being used now - along with the 1. 3 BILLION from sales in NY alone??

    MORE crap on p28: "1877

    "The Object and Manner of Our Lord's Return" is published to clarify TRUTHS (!!!!!) regarding Christ's presence." Not ONE word of that tract is now taught.

    TRUTH?????????? SHITE!

    There are loads of others if you can be bothered polluting your mind with more of this. That's all I can cope with right now...

    Oh - note the Stars and Stripes in the Photo of the Advertise a$$embly! (p63 - erased in the "Faith on March " video)

  • The Searcher
    The Searcher

    Got the book at the D.C. and decided not to even look at the contents page!

    Our friends here had already caused me great nausea (for which I am grateful!) by given detailed summaries of the latest annual piece of indoctrinating propaganda, and saved me the trauma!

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