Is there, or is there NOT an 'Evil Slave'?

by The Searcher 8 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • The Searcher
    The Searcher

    w04 3/1 p. 13 par. 2 - "The expression "that evil slave" draws our attention to Jesus’ preceding words about the faithful and discreet slave. Yes, the "evil slave" came from the ranks of the faithful slave."

    w10 7/15 p. 6 par. 16 - "That evil slave is part of a group described at 2 Peter 3:3,4.

    w13 7/15 p. 24 - "Was Jesus foretelling that there would be an evil slave class in the last days? No

    Comments by Anthony Morris of the Governing Body at the 2014 Annual Meeting muddy the teaching by effectively saying that there is, but then saying there isn't! - "Who Does the Wicked & Sluggish Slave Represent? In the context it seems reasonable to conclude..." "Granted, the fact is that some professed anointed did prove to be wicked and sluggish, and refused to do business, well that's a fact, just like some other sheep refused to be faithful and loyal to Christ's brothers, so Jesus is warning his anointed followers remain diligent and avoid the attitudes and actions of a wicked slave."

    The G.B. has more flip-flops than a beach trader in Barbados!

    Make up your minds you guys in Brooklyn's ivory towers - I'm having to help some long-standing Witnesses keep up with your chariot's constant twists and turns. It clearly doesn't have a spiritual sat-nav guiding it!

  • disposable hero of hypocrisy
    disposable hero of hypocrisy

    Nicely clarified sir, thanks for that!

  • minimus

    So now I'm more confused than ever!

  • NotNew

    So the WS was but is not now but may be one of us or one of them or many? glad that's cleared up! Thanks

  • Vidiot

    10 bucks says that the idea of an "evil slave class" (with its origins in the ranks of the "faithful slave") comes from Old Man Jaracz's paranoid fantasies about the Great Tribulation being triggered by a full-on attack on the WTS by a "vast apostate army" (I am not making that up).

  • leaving_quietly

    Obviously, from a biblical standpoint, there's no way for US to tell as the parable says that the evil slave says "in his heart" my master is delaying. The only way to maybe, possibly see it is by how they treat their fellow slaves: beating them (the Greek word means to beat, wound, inflict punishment)

    So, the question is: does the FDS inflict punishment on their fellow slaves in any way, shape or form? Come to your own conclusions about this one.

  • BluesBrother

    Mmmm , I cannot see a problem here

    THE wt 15.07.2013 [Box on page 24]

    Was Jesus foretelling that there would be an evil slave class in the last days? No. Granted, some individuals have manifested a spirit similar to that of the evil slave described by Jesus. We would call them apostates, whether they were of the anointed or of the “great crowd.” ( Rev. 7:9 ) But such ones do not make up an evil slave class. Jesus did not say that he would appoint an evil slave. His words here are actually a warning directed to the faithful and discreet slave.

    A. Morris' comments support this, in my view, judging only from your quote. Some of them gave up or turned away , acted in the WT view like an evil slave. That's just what Jesus predicted . It just said that there is no longer a WT teaching that there is an organized opposition group that they can call the "Evil Slave Class.

  • Separation of Powers
    Separation of Powers

    If there is NO EVIL Slave than there is NO FAITHFUL Slave....pick and choose theology...

  • steve2

    Flip-flopping has its merits. This ongoing "refinement" has gone over the heads of long-time JWs who continue to talk about "an evil slave" class.

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