...the JW's are a poor man's Mormon. Especially if you compare the JW GB 8 to the Mormon Elders/Quorum of 12. The Mormon leaders are so much better in their speaking abilities, the way they dress (just look at Stephen Lett's ill-fitting suit) and the production qualities of the programming and movies.
As a Mormon, myself, I've always been impressed with the conviction with which they speak. They really believe their religion and the members seem to genuinely love them. I feel the same way.
Years ago I let a friend invite me to a John Birch Society presentation. The speaker was a guy named...actually, I don't remember his name, but I had read a number of his articles and they were for the most part well written and researched. But he was a bit too conspiratorial for me. Anyway, when he came out, he was dressed in a loud plaid suit that was amber with green intersecting stripes. I mean, I know circus clowns and used car salesmen that wouldn't have worn that suit! Yet he gave his talk as though nothing was amiss. But this guy wasn't doing his cause any good.
I'm presently studying another church led by a man named David Peck, pastor general of the Restored Church of God. Speaking of conviction, he has that in spades; however, his arrogance is breathtaking. He believes Herbert W. Armstrong was the Elijah that Malachi spoke of and he sees himself as a latter day apostle. He wrote an articulate piece on the church's website about the two prophets of Revelation 11, and how they would need to be sent by an apostle because, he said, apostles outranked, or were put in authority, over prophets. He has some videos on YouTube and he writes just like he sounds. It's good to speak with authority, but there's a fine line between that and pride, and it's clear he has an elevated opinion of himself.
I've never heard any of the GB speakers, but if someone could point me towards some, I'd like to hear them.