November 1 1960 QFR

by hoser 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • hoser

    Questions From Readers
    Please answer my question in The Watchtower.—Unsigned.
    Among the many readers of The Watchtower who write in for information are some who ask personal questions on which they want a Scriptural answer, but who give no name or address. Others give an address but no name. For the benefit of all, we would like to set out here the policy of the Watch Tower Society in answering questions received.
    The Society is glad to be of help to all who sincerely seek answers to questions that call for a Bible answer. First of all, a personal answer is sent by mail to the one who inquires. Then those questions that are of sufficient interest and importance are printed in this Questions from Readers section of The Watchtower. Questions of a personal nature are of concern only to the ones involved, so these are not published. In other cases the questions asked are ones that have been answered in recent issues of The Watchtower; of course, these will not be printed again right away, but a personal answer will be sent and, in many cases, reference will be made to the Watch Tower publications that discussed the point in question.
    However, it is the policy of the Watch Tower Society never to answer correspondence that does not bear the name of the inquirer. So let all that wish to avail themselves of the help that the publishers of The Watchtower give in providing Scriptural answers to questions of a personal or a doctrinal nature give their name (not merely initials) and address so that they may be certain to get direct and personal attention.

  • hamsterbait

    That letter is from years ago.

    Current policy is that readers only ask questions that the Excrete Slave has seen fit to discuss already in the litterature.

    In other words"don't think or ask questions beyond what we say."


    LOL!!! Oh yes, avail yourself of the scriptural aid provided by the WTBTS!!! LOL!! I can make up crazy shit all on my own, thank you very much. 😁


  • OneEyedJoe

    In other words - if you have a question that betrays the fact that you've been thinking critically about whether this may actually be a cult, we want to know your name and address so we can send in our goons elders to take care of you shepard you and if necessary hold your family hostage lovingly shun you so that you can see the error of your ways.

    What a loving provision!

  • mauiboy

    When I wrote to inquire about the relationship between the UN and the society, I asked that the answer be sent to my home address, because for a previous inquiry I had asked for it to be sent to another address where I could recieve mail. Each time the response was sent to an address other than the one I requested. When I asked it be sent to my office address, they sent it to my home. (Obviously someone called my district to get the home adress from an elder). When I asked it to be sent to my home (the 2nd instance), The response was sent to the local body of elders, who then came to my home unannounced to tell me they had a response to my inquiry....then they refused to give it to me, read it to me, give me a photo-copy of it, or tell me the exact wording in any way. I told them if they had come to insult me with this I wanted to know why there was no logic to this, and I wanted a copy of the letter. Again I was told no, the society has given us directions to inform you that they had contacted us (the BOE) nwith an answer, but that we were not to inform you of the exact wording....WTF???. They then volunteered the comment that the society would obviously not want the answer to show up somewhere on the response: "well, duh!!! doesn't that, in itself give you a clue as to the truthfulness of the situation?? Why don't you just spit on me, and slap my face??Even that would not be as insulting as this". I invited the 2 elders to leave my home and never come back without my express permission....and not a single one ever has. Now that's love and shepherding if ever there was any. I have always wondered if anyone else ever had a similar response....

  • Splash

    They require your details, but as other threads have shown, if you ask for the persons name you're speaking to when you call bethel, all they'll provide is a three letter desk reference.

    Rules for you and rules for me.


  • William Penwell
    William Penwell

    Current policy is that readers only ask questions that the Excrete Slave has seen fit to discuss already in the litterature.

    In other words"don't think or ask questions beyond what we say."

    Andthey say they are not a cult.....

    I wrote a letter to the society years ago in regards to interpretation well studying their book "Then Is Finished The Mystery Of God" and got the typical convoluted response you get from the WT. I read the response one way and my brother in law interpreted another way, so it didn't really answer my question. Some spirit direct organization.

  • zeb

    not to mention the rubber stamp signatures they use.

  • smiddy

    They require your details, but as other threads have shown, if you ask for the persons name you're speaking to when you call bethel, all they'll provide is a three letter desk reference.

    Rules for you and rules for me.

    Obviously they are afraid of any individual being called to account for any reason .

    If that doesnt raise a red flag , then it should.

    Its a cult.


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