Somewhere hidden well within the exists an article about the last days of the last days of the Jewish system of things .When did the last days of the Jewish system of things start was it at the Pentecost or before that ? Is that important when we compare Jesus' days our days as a way to find what will initiate them ? I wrote a small post in relation to this any extra valid information towards this will be much appreciated
When did the last days start ?
by raymond frantz 4 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
66 CE, Wehn the roman soldiers sourrounded Jerusalem?????????????? That's one date that seems reasonable for a WT article. Kate xx
Didn't some rather dramatic events at the time of Jesus' death indicate abandonment of the physical temple, in other words the end of the Jewish system?
raymond frantz
The last days had already started in 33 c.e. at the Pentecost as Acts 2:14-19 indicates but the actual start of the last days was in 29 C.E. when Jesus presented himself as the coming Messiah .I will post the whole article here tomorrow
These posts here and here have scriptures listed from the NT that show that NT writers viewed the "last days" ("time"/"times"/"hour") as commencing with Jesus' first advent. Hebrews 1:1, 2 is a good example (although the NWT distorts the rendering to hide this).
Hebrews 9:26 speaks of Jesus "manifest[ing] himself once for all time at the conclusion of the systems of things" (note plural "systems of things" or "ages"). From this verse it would appear that, from the NT point of view, all previous eras conclude with the "last days" which start with Jesus' first advent, and culminate when he returns. Acts 17:30, 31 seems to confirm that view (see this thread).