I am a proud mother. My daughter's school had a blood drive and she is of age to donate. She wanted to last year but was too young. Her pint of blood will be enough to help up to 3 lives. We are doing one together in November! She was nervous and even passed out but can't wait to do it again. I can't stop smiling about it :) She posted it on instagram and even some of her old JW friends liked her post. Did I mention I am proud of her???
My daughter gave blood today!!
by joyfulfader 7 Replies latest jw friends
Well done for your daughter and a mother who is obviously involved with your daughters decisicions , a kudo to her from australia .
I`m too old to donate blood now , however I have become an organ donor , and hopefully they can find something usefull LOL
Here in australia you have to opt in to be an organ donor , I beleive in some other countrys you have to opt out if you dont want to be an organ donor , which to me seems a better alternative.
You will have more organ donors that way.
Bless you both
Thanks!! In the US you volunteer on your license to be an organ donor. I did that 20 years ago even when it was frowned upon. My daughter chose to opt in as well. So we both have little hearts on our licenses indicating our choices to be donors. :) What is interesting is that my siblings have been out for way longer than I have and they can't bring themselves to support my daughter 's decision although they all hang blood for others as part of their jobs, lived with their spouses before marriage and celebrate holidays. On some level the religion is still "the truth" to them. Sadly giving blood is still taboo in their eyes.
It's interesting as I have been thinking about donating blood. But more as it been the last frontier of letting go of the religion. But so far I just can't seem to do it. The ol buggers have still got me in mental slavery. I'll get there I'm just can't bring myself to it.
Good deal. JW's won't admit it but many/most of them 'give' blood on a regular basis or at least have given blood at some time in their life. My wife, for example 'donates' several viles of blood each month so the medical experts, her doctors, can monitor her health. The blood that she 'donates' is not used for sacrifice nor is it "poured out on the ground". Her blood is used to monitor her health and therefore prolong her life. How many of the GB have blood drawn and sent to a lab for analysis for health reasons? Aren't they, the GB, violating the 'blood policy' by their having blood used for a purpose other than 'sacrifice' or being "poured out on the ground"? Sure as sh@#$t they are.
When I get together with 'super' witnesses and the subject of blood comes up, I really love to mention how I 'donated' blood (just for the shock value). When they ask "How could you do that?", I tell them that they also have also probably 'donated' blood, to which they look at me as if I'm crazy. Then I drop it on them, " Have youever had your blood drawn at a doctor's office, a clinic, or a lab?"--Then you donated blood! No getting around it, JW's donate blood for life saving purposes.
just saying
I`ve said it before and I will say it again .
Many jehovahs witnesses leave the religion , however the religion never leaves them . And they remain victims. And I think sadly some people are content with that.....What is really needed....
They need to decontaminate themselves from the virus that infects them , and that is a process that they must be willing to take , otherwise they will be victims all their lives.
And that takes a little bit of effort on their part which some just dont want to do .Whether it be laziness or apathy I dont know.
Their is a wealth of information on this board and links to other boards that prove indisputably that jehovahs witnesses could never have been approved by God , their failed prophecys ,their re-writing their own history , their mis-quoting sources , their ever changing "truths" from" old " to "present" to "new"
and the list goes on and on.
I think some are too afraid to look because then you have to face the question of "how did I allow myself to believe this for so long???" I went through a grieving process when I realized it was all lies. To just ignore it all is a defense mechanism, albeit a poor one. Those people like my sisters can live in a world of ignorance is bliss and go about their lives...to a point. It's when their beliefs are challenged or something big causes them to reexamine their life that it can hit. My sisters left because they just didn't feel like doing it anymore. There was no real compelling reason to search for answers. I, on the other hand, had my way of life turned upsidedown and shattered by those in power in the org. There was pain and actual death as a result of poor decisions made by elders. I had reason to examine my life and beliefs and decide to purge my life of the virus. Without a purpose so many don't feel that determination to purge. It's the only way to actually start living, in my opinion.