Just got to say that two things I have found out on this forum have really made me think over the last year. One is how the GB say that they were appointed in 1919 and how they always say that it was a small group of anointed ones, and they always stress that it was a collective group who did this. But from this forum I have found out that really it was all Judge Rutherford's doing, that he was the sole kingpin at that time until his death in 1942, so no 'collective' slave. The other thing that struck me, related to this, was all the bizarre inaccurate things he was saying about the ancient worthies returning and all sorts of other weird stuff. The only part of this that I had heard was about David et al. returning to Beth Sarim and I had dismissed it as an errror of judgement. But it all mounts up and the idea that God was personally directing and blessing such an arrangement goes against, not only common logic, but the Scriptures themselves. I think it is only because most Witnesses today have absolutely no knowledge of this, and probably no desire to know about this due to apathy and a focus on the soft focus paradise teachings that it is possible for the whole show to keep on the road.
Two things that have really made me think.
by thedog1 9 Replies latest jw friends
If they were really appointed by Christ in 1919, you have to be astonished that they were at that very time and for a futher solid two decades to come under the harsh-hearted domination of Rutherford, a narcissist of repulsive proportions. Some cleansing. Some appointment. Some delusion.
Ruther'fraud', the booze-guzzling, womanizing, misogynistic,rascist, egomaniac one of Christ's annointed brothers? If I were Jesus, I'd ask to be adopted by another family.
Yep Rutherford and Franz chased away 70% or more bible students and followers of Russell with their Finish Mystery book and He even wrote in one of his book that the holy spirit did not work anymore and that he had direct contact with Angels. I also like how he wrote that one of the angles in the book of Revelations was infact Russell. Can anyone say wackjob?
Yep, even JWs at one time told the truth about the "board":
"Pastor Russell, the president and the other officers of the Society had been the ones to decide on new publications; the board of directors, as a body, was not consulted.";
(From "Jehovah's Witnesses in the Divine Purpose" WTBTS; 1959; pg. 70, par. 4)Instead Rutheford had to fire half the board of his day. Think about it, he FIRED the supposed GB.
The GB thing is the 1976 dictatorial center of the Bethel apostasy. Of course the "evil slave" has no qualms claiming to be the "faithful slave", such duplicity is the earmark of apostasy at 2Cor11:13-15:
(2 Corinthians 11:13-15) 13 For such men are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into apostles of Christ. 14 And no wonder, for Satan himself keeps transforming himself into an angel of light. 15 It is therefore nothing great if his ministers also keep transforming themselves into ministers of righteousness. But their end shall be according to their works.
And therein is the real Bethel reality. LIARS acting like apostles of Christ, that JWs forgot to "put to the test":
(Revelation 2:2) ‘I know your deeds, and your labor and endurance, and that you cannot bear bad men, and that you put those to the test who say they are apostles, but they are not, and you found them liars.
But not at JW land, at JW land the brazen Bethel apostates are, rather, the billionaire Kings of the Faith all on the JW hard earned dollar.
Yes, Rutherford was a first-rate A-hole who was about as 'spiritual' as a sea snake. But let's face it, virtually EVERYONE connected with the Witnesses, including Russell, was and is a total nutcase. A person just CANNOT be mentally normal and still believe all the nonsense they preach. Witnesses believe that 'their' God is going to slaughter billions of humans including innocent babies, and they rejoice at the prospect. What type of monsters think like that??? So let's call JWs what they really are: EVIL PEOPLE!!! Let's just start telling it like it is.
NAVYTOWN'S expression, " " let's face it, virtually EVERYONE connected with the Witnesses........... was and is a total nutcase. "
I definitely second that opinion
Crazyguy - "Yep Rutherford and Franz chased away 70% or more bible students and followers of Russell..."
Pruned out the liberals and fence-sitters, leaving the hard-core loyalists and border-line extremists; a pattern that repeated itself post-'75 and in the subsequent internal "witch-hunts", I might add.
I've said this many times before, but I also think that's what is subtly (and sometimes not-so subtly) taking place now, albeit deliberately, with the goal of managing the WTS's inevitable decline in a manner that they hope keeps it "in the black".
That's one of the topics I just don't get...how so many people could put such trust in an organization with such a bizarre history. How, when they see and/or hear of the insanity, they still cling to it as "the truth"
people put trust in the org, because they HAVE NOT researched its past correctly....they have only read the "sanitised" version of "theocratic history" from the 'proclaimers book...'
I would challenge anyone of sound mind to stay in the org once they have done sincere unbiased research into its history.....