While I was sexually abused as a child, 4 years old,...all of this has almost driven me over the top!
Please, please, stop this insanity...
by DazedAndConfused 8 Replies latest watchtower scandals
While I was sexually abused as a child, 4 years old,...all of this has almost driven me over the top!
Please, please, stop this insanity...
what has driven you over the top?
I'm so sorry to hear of the abuse you suffered, my heart goes out to you. *Insanity* is a good term regarding the effects of abuse, especially if you are just now starting to deal with it. I don't know your story (sorry if it's posted somewhere and I've missed it!) but I do know what that feeling is like. There was a time when I truly believed I was losing my mind. If you haven't already, I strongly urge you to consider seeing a therapist trained in dealing with abuse. I know it's scary but it can help a great deal towards healing...and healing IS possible!
If you would like to talk about it, feel free to email me.
You have been through a hell of a lot ( http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/forum/thread.asp?id=20020&site=3) and we'd like to think that we can support one another here through the tough times, so feel free to vent in any way you want here.
Your post speaks alot. I read your experience on a previous post and the pain you endured. I know how you are feeling about not being able to take anymore. I too have been previously diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) from my own experience within the Watchtower. Yes, everything that has been happening is also bringing up a lot for me as well as my husband. We had begun to make a life for ourselves after distancing ourselves from WT. Now with all the media attention and dealing with Judicial Committees and Watchtower Headquarters, the anxiety levels have come back. Hang in there.
Love, Barb
love to you Dazed XXX
It WILL stop;SOON. This maybe the beginning of the end,and all because of people like YOU having the courage to speak.
Hang in there and watch them squirm...
I'm so glad you posted your distress and anxiety here. This place has many here that have gone through and know exactly how you feel. Here you can find empathy, understanding, love and good advice on how to deal with your memories and the feelings that result.
I agree with Dana's encouragement also to talk to a professional about your feelings of desperation right now though to help you work through this.
I hope that seeing more and more victims finally speaking out from their enforced silence, will actually help you and other victims to end the frustration of not getting any justice from the WTS.
Dazed....please know that you and all the victims that have broken their silence here have all helped me (and many more too I'm sure) so much to see so much more clearly just how shallow the WTS has been, and still is, in its promoting the "good name of the Society" rather than the physical and emotional well being of those in its care.
Please hang in there!!!
Had Enough
"Never doubt that a small group of citizens can change the world.
Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."...Margaret Mead
It DOES get better hon. You've got some good advice here. Just know that many here understand what you're going through.