The stupid helpless householder is a classic JW archetype. Look at any example of an official JW presentation: the householder is frequently good-hearted, but mystified and disappointed by world events. The helpless householder loves the Bible, but has been mislead by the evil clergy and worldly attitudes. The JW superhero swoops in with a fountain of "accurate knowledge" and saves the day. The light goes on in the householder's thick head and eventually, with years of study, they might some day be blessed enough to also have a commanding grasp on the wisdom of the ages. This is how you create a smug sense of superiority in a high school dropout who wasted the best years of life. This is part of what keeps them coming back for more year after year through all the failed prophecy.
The Hapless Householder
by new light 4 Replies latest jw friends
This idea is put before the JWs in all the meetings every week, in the 'school' demos, the sales seminars, the Oct, Nov, Public Wts, the USA 1914 video? it never happens in real life, as the audience knows. ( not in the educated world anyway)
feelings and dreams
It's truly ignorant the way the Sisters's talks depict the ministry.
JW: Good morning, have you ever wondered if God has a personal name?
HH: Yes, I often wonder if God has a personal name. In fact, I just asked my pastor about it and he said it doesnt matter. I wonder if he is misleading me and possibly evil?
JW: Let me show you Psalm 83:18!
HH: Wow!! Can I get baptized right now??
new light
What kind of person actually would wonder on their own if God had a name? To me, that would show a complete lack of "spirituality." Who would need to put a name on the creative force that is beyond human comprehension? Someone who thinks living forever as a human is the ultimate prize, that's who.
The presentations are beyond silly. What a waste of everyone's time and money.
Long may this kind of "Instruction" continue.
If the Borg actually gave some good guidance on how to sell, how to overcome real objections etc etc then there would be a danger of the the DtoD work actually making a few more converts.
As it is nearly all JW's are so inept at their work that nobody hardly is suckered in.