100 years on from 1914 and this old Eurovision song seems appropriate.
100 yrs on
by thedog1 2 Replies latest jw friends
It's good to be wise
When you're young
Cos' you can only be young
But for once
Enjoy yourself
And have lots of fun
Serve God n live, my friends
And it will never done
Enjoy yourself
It's later than you think
Enjoy yourself
Why you're still in the pink
The years go by
As quickly as a wink
Enjoy yourself
It's later than you think
Get wisdom, get knowledge
And understanding
Those three were given free
By the maker
Go to school
Learn the rules
Don't be a faker
It's not wise that you should be
Another man's foot stool
So enjoy yourself
It's later than you think
Enjoy yourself
Why you're still in the pink
The years go by
As quickly as a wink
Enjoy yourself
It's later than you think -
If we tale an unbiased look at the gospels we will discover that Jesus promised he would return before THAT generation would pass away and some hearing his words would not taste death before he returns.So Jesus said he was going to return and he didn't so therefore Christianity is a false religion.