Just found this and can't stop laughing. Really funny!
Some Good Advice
by Coded Logic 6 Replies latest watchtower bible
omfg! That's awesome, and I've sent it to my friend who is family and my NOK. :P Never a JW, but she truly 'gets it'. She, and the ex, and I used to be sitting around, and they would initiate one of their favorite games "What do JWS say when they come to your door?" My ex would say something like "Do you find today's world troubles you?" Then she would say "I'd like to share a scripture with you today",,,,, and they would go back and forth. I'd be laughing so hard, almost peed my pants.
She will laugh her a$$ off! It's great to have a couple of friends, who really seem to understand. Hell, I have the coolest friends in the world!
Thanks for sharing. :D
www.youtube.com/embed/yNxO8Nj-JPo" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>
i cant embed it some one should
www.youtube.com/embed/yNxO8Nj-JPo" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>
AnnOMaly, Yeah, I recognaized her voice right away, from old vids. Thus the winky face. She is excellent at this, what a multi-talented person.! (but of course, it's only a guess)