I'm presently listening to the Co's visit of fall 2014.
He is referencing many references to Russell's beliefs of the 1800's and 1903.
Sadly, I did not record these comments from his talk.
Anyone else have these comments?
by berrygerry 4 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I'm presently listening to the Co's visit of fall 2014.
He is referencing many references to Russell's beliefs of the 1800's and 1903.
Sadly, I did not record these comments from his talk.
Anyone else have these comments?
I missed our CO visit tonight. I may make it up somewhere else to save face, and see if we have the same. Remember anything noteworthy that was said?
I wonder in what contect they are quoting him??
Are they trying to cut off any negative speech about the craziness of old doctrines and personalities?
It's damage control. They know how damaging it can be when someone learns on the internet that just about everything they've been told about what Russell believed has been distorted to present a fake sense of continuity between him and the modern Society. I know that's one of the biggest things that did it for me.
This way, they can get it out in the open in a controlled, tempered manner, and give people just enough info satiate any curiosity and prevent them from researching too deeply, without having to give the whole story.
Bringing up Russell's ideas as "sincere" and as one of many instrumental people that helped to re-establish real Truth from the Bible. Of course, since he is no longer part of the F&DS, his kooky ideas ie, pyramidology do not shed any bad light on the F&DS.