Terminally Ill Woman Choosing To Die Completes Bucket list

by Bangalore 7 Replies latest social current

  • Bangalore
  • happy@last

    Not sure I could have the same positivity as her, especially when she is so young.

  • Gustv Cintrn
    Gustv Cintrn

    Why is that family making this woman a media spectacle? Some people want to be in the limelight so much!


  • keyser soze
    keyser soze

    Why is that family making this woman a media spectacle? Some people want to be in the limelight so much!

    I don't know if that was ignorance, or a misguided attempt at humor. It isn't her family exploiting her. She's chosen herself to go public with her illness in an attempt to raise awareness for end-of-life decisions, and a person's right to die with dignity.

  • sammielee24

    I applaud this young woman - she is taking her story public and bringing light to a serious issue.

    She has had to move to a State that allows her to choose the conditions under which she will end her suffering. Is it really a choice to end her life? Her brain tumor is doing that quickly for her - she simply wants to eliminate the descent into a painful, disabled, confused state where she no longer functions. I watched her in an interview and anyone that thinks this is her family exploiting her is wrong. She wants to die with her husband beside her, with the family there, in her home, in her bed, surrounded by the music she loves - maybe a window open to feel the breeze or the soft purring of a pet cat resting on her lap. She is losing her memory now and sometimes she can't remember who her husband is - she is in a lot of pain - her brain tumor isn't giving her a choice - it's killing her. The choice she is making is in the conditions surrounding her demise. sw

  • cofty

    I support the right to choose when to die. At the same time I understand there are some very real concerns and safeguards to be addressed.

  • sammielee24

    I agree cofty.


  • cultBgone

    I applaud her for taking this stance and raising public awareness. The point is that no matter what anyone or any government thinks, our lives belong to us alone. Yes, what we do with our lives impacts others but if you've ever cared for a dying parent or watched a sibling die of cancer after horrendous chemotherapy, you too will applaud her stance.

    Who knows, there may be more of us compelled to move to Oregon to spare our loved ones the trauma of caring for our sickened bodies. It's a selfless act, hers.

    Thanks for sharing the article, Bangalore.

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