Every bit of this is about MONEY. From the small time JW.org Magazine Cart in front of the Grocery store to the BILLIONS of dollars of REAL ESTATE laundering. It's all about the money. FOLLOW the money. It's about HUNDREDS of ficticious shell corporations. It's about MONEY LAUNDERING. It's about Accounting schemes and MONEY shuffling. It's about PRINTING businesses. It's about LAUNDERING Money through buildouts. It's about REAL ESTATE LOANS AND MORTGAGE INTEREST. It's about 8 PERCENT MONEY doubling every couple years. It's big money. It's big business. It's about saving on payroll and a BILLION hours a year of free labor. It's about the generosity of the people who bequest their life savings. FOLLOW the money.
Jehovanomics RULE #6: It's all about the MONEY. Follow the Money.
by Jehovanomics 6 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
new hope and happiness
Many Jehovers Witnesses, measure themselfs by the " The accunilated wealth" the organisation has.
They think they are seperate from the world, because they are attatched to the organisation.
Many people define themselfs by financial wealth.
And last but not least, it is about seizing what is left of the actual cash assets and securities in the hedges, while the national powers pillage the front end for property control in the tsunami of coming GLOBAL litigations.
So we have to follow the money into, and eventually fully out of, the Bethel corporate matrix of control, that like any defunct corporation can merely discard the egg that is sucked dry. We are just hearing the slurping of the derivatives straws just being injected, so in the tracking of the Bethel dollar final destination, more is yet to occur in this active process.
Unlike other investors who would have called their lawyers on the GB managed plummet in JW growth, while skyrocketing the profits for themselves, JW investors see the percentage death spiral, but do nothing about it. Instead they donate more to a system of nearly pure profit, because no way does actual JW growth justify such a constant begging for more JW money, trusts, stocks, properties and even your spare aluminum cans. Bethel is VACUUMING JWs, and setting up the congregations to easily fold on that rainy day to come.
Keep tracking this, because it is not done yet and JWs are not the final destination of the spoils and there is a lot of assets and wealth to be pillaged when that JW money finally goes to its final home, outside of Bethel corporate control, into the treasure trove of others not interested in the JW ministry, who now guide the procession from within Bethel's corporate complex itself. The front end is what we will see pillaged in the future, the real story of the hedges will also be made official, imo, but that is where the millions are already vanishing. The bust scenario, when and however it plays out, is when they make it official on paper, but even now they are ripping the place off by funneling Bethel cash to the casino, and Bethel is not the "house" that wins in that casino.
What is very convenient in the Bethel "self fulfilling prophecy" is they can sell that downfall to JWs, as the "end of the world brothers!", "prophecy is fulfilling!", and after they exit fully in the Bethel scam main managers, JWs will be left wondering what really happened, because Bethel will end, but the world system will keep plodding along. So Bethel has a well prepared exit strategy, and all together it forms a unique microcosm of a true scam that must proceed to their prepared "self fulfilling prophecy", because the only Bible prophecy it could fulfill is apostasy, not anything JWs are misled to believe, that is the exit smokescreen JWs will have to deal with.
The GB will be celebrating with the globalists in the Cayman's or Loesch's Swiss estate counting the billions.
Accepting the fact that everything is about money is very conforting. It helps explain just about everything and it is not, nor should it be - shocking.
Knowing Bethel is going down beforehand, the GB "inside information", allows also more profit to be had in the downfall in derivatives.
Though we cannot know the true nature of that positioning, we can see the billion dollar incentive, and we can see a thing like the UN NGO shows how secretive the organization can operate when it needs to, thus it is not surprising even more is going on than meets the eye or can be fully explained even in concept.
We can bet, likewise, they have bet on the downfall of Bethel in the AIG style. Except no one is going to bail out Bethel, it has the reaping to come, for what it is really sowing in reality.
And giving out nine year old teaching books like they were in central london this weekend -
Two things the 1970s crowd is starting to die off no more real growth the over all numbers will go down and number two as it becomes more and more obvious to the rank and file that the end is not coming more people will leave faster.