Guarding the Kingdom Hall on Halloween

by Clambake 8 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Clambake

    A. Have you ever been called to do this ??

    B. Does it count as field service.

    C. What are you suppose to do if you catch someone throwing eggs at the kingdom hall. Run them down and beat them up ?? Given the amount of janitors that attend each hall, wouldn't you want this to happen so you could prove you are really Allahs people ??

  • OnTheWayOut

    Never heard of it being necessary. I suppose you would just get your hose and soap bucket out if God's building was attacked.

  • Clambake

    That reminds me when I was about 12 years old, I was just shortly after christmas and people were throwing out their old christmas trees ( when people still used natural trees ). We took like 6-8 old rotten christmas trees and placed them on the Kingdom Hall lawn and decorated them with garbage. We even managed to get them to stand up.

    We also christmas carolled a Kingdom Hall during a tuesday night meeting. They called the police. We just played dumb and pretended we didn't know.


    We were rotten kids.

    p.s- I wasn't the ring leader.

  • blondie

    They guarded the KH on the 4th of July; the building had a good overlook of the fireworks display...people would come and picnic and drink and leave a mess. The brothers were afraid of being sued..............

    Nothing for Halloween...vandals don't wait for then...remember the KHs that were burned down...not on Halloween

  • OnTheWayOut

    Did they really just want to chase people off the KH property on July 4th? I mean- if it's a good overlook, I would have taken that assignment and put out my lawnchair and enjoyed the fireworks.

    KH's burned- must be the work of Satan and his world.

  • NVR2L8

    Late Friday night I drove by the local hall and there was a car parked with 2 brothers guarding on Halloween night. The hall is next door to a church and across a cemetery and a school. When I was active I was asked to guard the night before (supposively called prank night) and Halloween night. After our shift we even came back to sneak up on the two guys who replaced us...We did not count our time but we protected god's house from evil...

  • Iamallcool

    Off topic little bit, I remembered two masked guys entered the kingdom hall, Two really big brothers chased them out of the kingdom hall.

  • blondie

    Good thing the masked guys didn't have guns............

  • redvip2000

    Why can't Jehoober guard his own house? If he can't guard his own house, then what can he guard?

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