Well the control of "ordination" is already an organized monopoly, so at one time JWs were "freedom fighters" as far as what Christendom and its massive printining press and seminary system has turned "the Bible" into, like Bethel now, just a charade.
What is interesting is Bethel turning into what they used to condemn in Christendom, that is hi-jacking the Bible for state serving purposes. To top it JWs are now UN NGO world government endorsers and promoters, so they are ordained ministers of the UN, and the whole mini-pattern of what JWs condemned Christendom for in 1921, and 1945 and their own UN endorsements, is now present right inside Bethel.
Thus it is all the same lump of leaven it seems, except Bethel is more astute at making themselves "the state" that JWs support. It is actually rather ingenious to continue to sell what is a clear case of Bathel apostasy, as "the truth", in the process, and the JWs who should be awake to such slieght of hand are instead the main puppets dancing on that hand's strings, go figure.
But in any case JWs are now ordained by an organization, they very fight they fought they have now surrendered to. Its actually kind of sad to have such a good start, with such a Christendom malaise to emerge out of, to just ferment into the same condition once again, and the GB is the central cell of that ferment and septic effect.
Man worship, once again, brings another religion into the spiritual illusion show. Imo the root probem will go down in JW history as actually an accident at first. The first seed of corruption, and the first error, was the assumption Acts 15 was an account with a "governing body". The very fact they did this to justify their own board of directors, and had to insert the word and the concept, into a text stating the opposite in all the separate parts of that emergency meeting, is a clue it is a falsehood from the getgo.
Why not just say Acts 15 has a "board of drectors"? But no, they used the term "governing body" and even made it a group title capitalized so the scam would not be so easily detected and JWs themselves aid the GB's own "lifting themselves over everyone" and condone that sham dictatorship that is secular corporatism, not anything Biblical, in fact the opposite.
And this is exactly what happens when spoiled elites end up in control of things, they end up corrupting it for profit, rather than the spiritual veneer they use as a pretense for a multi-billion dollar elite system ruled cash cow, with free JW investment and slave labor to keep it profitable. I do not know when reality will hit JWs, but due to the much smaller scale of that particular scam I think it will be well before Christendom is deconstructed.
I think Bethel will grease the wheels and open the door on more wealth redistribution to eventaully hit many corporations and religions in time, when the rainy day comes on the national finances, especially in the US and EU sovereign debt developments. JWs do not perceive just how far removed from the ministry its Bethel elites have been, especially when it went multi-million to multi-billion since 1970. JWs are dealing with corporate raiding wolves, but to them they are the lead sheep. I think in the days to come JWs will have difficulty even keeping a "Kingdom Hall" roof over their head, given the latest positioning of those local finances and padding into the core Bethel treasure trove to be pillaged in due time.
It is all too obvious to outsiders what is actually developing in JWs corporate environment. Don't blame poor JWs in my opnion, they are partly to blame true, but the real culprit is right inside the Bethel elite ranks; JWs will be their last set of victims, imo, they will leave the Bethel bones for the national litigations to clean off of what is left from the hedges scams and forced asset seizures.
The Bethel elites will double the haul in the derivatives bets on Bethel going down. A total cleaning of the JW house is what it seems to be adding up to, it will just take the proper set of global developments to allow the context of a few years duration, imo, to make it all "official". JWs will be left with a riddle, and that is all.