I'm sure we've all heard things like; " we need to develop a close personal relationship with Jehovah. We can ask him to help us through difficult times, he should be our closest friend. Throw your burden on J. Or the ol' Jehovah will provide. Ect ect ect. Even when I was still in I found this peculiar. How can someone have a relationship with an invisible friend who never responds back or just allows random shit to happen to us. I've always found this to not make any sense even when I was still connected to the hive mind.
A close personal relationship with my imaginary friend.
by Zordino 5 Replies latest watchtower scandals
Same here, you cannot speak of having a relationship with a so called spiritual being
in the same terms as a flesh and blood relatioship. It just doesn't work.
That's why he needs a mouthpiece like the faithful and discreet slave I suppose,
how convenient for them.
I had a sister tell me once that "her and Jehovah are like that" and she made the
sign for closeness by entwining her index and middle finger together.
I would love a close relationship if that imaginary friend was Drop Dead Fred. (if you haven't seen it, funny movie about imaginary friends).
To me, having the solid "evidence" would be proof enough for me.
"Of course they are the true religion, they all have close personal relationships with a proven god"...
Just replace 'Jehovah' with any other god'and you quickly see how ridiculous it all is. Example:
"Develop a close personal relationship with Jehovah Zeus. We can ask him to help us through difficult times, he should be our closest friend. Throw your burden on J Z. Or the ol' Jehovah Zeus will provide."
Jehovah(tm) is a crappy father. He doesn't talk back when you ask him shizzle.
All he did was bung a book at you and sy: "There read that. Nothing's clear in it but meh, your problem!"
....and a fave of mine....