There are many religious people who say they pray for Holy Spirit and feel better. Some who are over stressed will say they keep praying for a calm disposition until the stress and anxiety disappears,claiming it is God's spirit. Others will ask Jesus into their hearts and feel an overwhelming sensation of peace and clarity. Are these really experiences of individuals being blessed by God,having their prayers answered? Or could it be something else.
The study of neuroplasticity has proven that our brains can be wired or rewired to feel great happiness or joy. To be estatic and hopeful all by just constantly programing your brain with positive upbuilding thoughts. In his book ,What To Say When You Talk To Yourself(I highly recomend reading) ,Shad Helmstetter has found in his research that the sub-conscious mind is like a computer. Whatever we tell it; or program, it will download it,store it and look for similar references in the memory. The crazy part is ,that what you tell it may not even be true, however if the thought is registered convincingly, and repeatedly, it will believe it and then start to act upon it. Example: "Iam really fun at parties because Iam funny and perceptive"; according to neuroplasticity, if this is said often enough,and in detail, your brain will start to believe it and start acting the program out ( the same is true with negative programs).
The point is,therefore, could this explain the emotions, feelings, courage, calm and heightened sensations we get when we pray? The mind is very powerful,and it can decieve us. How can a Godly person really know if they are receiving God's spirit or the effects of neuroplasticity?
However, maybe that is what God's Spirit really is; a certain positive mental disposition. After all the word for spirit in the Bible does mean breath. This implies an invisible force( one's mental disposition) that moves something ( moving us to act a certain way). In any case; if you want to achieve your dreams or just be happy, please check this book out and make an effort to apply it. I did,and I can honestly say... it works.