Dateline and My Mother

by teenyuck 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • teenyuck

    I just got off the phone with my mother. She called to tell me she is excitedly waiting for Dateline....can I please tape it for her? Oh and BTW, all her JW friends are excitedly waiting....they want to see what is happening!!

    I have told her all about it and all about being molested by her father and all. She has refused to go there because it is an apostate web site. She said the JW website clearly states they protect victims....did I read that? I was amazed to say the least. I told her that was new to the is because of Silentlambs and the was not there one year ago.

    She started asking me questions about apostate sites. I sarcastically told her to stay away from those because demons would come through her computer. She believed me until I yelled at her to think!!!! I was being sarcastic.....get it. "Oh, well the society tells us to be careful." She asked if I had been to the "official WTBTS" webpage...I assured her I had. I told her it made me laugh; reading all their propaganda brought back some unhappy thoughts.

    I basically lost control and told her she is in a cult and will not listen to reason or open her eyes to the fact that a group of old men in NY is telling her how to live her life.

    I went to Quotes, and Freeminds and read her different articles on varying topics. She did agree that "they made a big mistake about 1975...they are imperfect men."

    I asked about 1914, 1918 and 1925....she had no clue what I was talking about.

    I mentioned blood and the changing doctrine. Did she know or understand? NO. I told her about organ transplants and vaccinations. Did she know or care? NO.

    She then asked if I believed in god? I don't think that is important. Well, if you reject the bible then you reject Jehovah.

    We ended our conversation quickly....she was getting nervous. She cannot stand up to logic and proof. She has her CD-Rom and her old books, however, she is a reciter.....she reads, remembers and recites. She has no thought pattern of her own. It is tragic.

    It is soooo frustrating having a dimwit for a mother. She would do anything for them. No proof will make her change her mind. There are millions like her.

    I give up. She is not worth wasting my breath on.

    Thanks for letting me rant.

  • Billygoat


    Honey, you have made headway! Can you see that? The fact that she's even willing (excited!) to watch Dateline is more than the average witness is doing. She is probably being told NOT to watch it, but she's still going to? THAT is a step sweetie. Those little victories are little, but they are victories nonetheless. You are light years away from where I am with my parents and where others are with their families. See the good in it - it is there! Curiosity is a wonderful thing for her and her friends!

    Keep up the work, my friend, one of these days you may look back at this and be thankful for your persistence.


    PS: I really laughed at this:

    She started asking me questions about apostate sites. I sarcastically told her to stay away from those because demons would come through her computer. She believed me until I yelled at her to think!!!! I was being sarcastic.....get it. "Oh, well the society tells us to be careful."
    I can TOTALLY see my mother in this little conversation. She soooo does NOT have a sense of humor about stuff. Not that she's a fuddy-duddy, but she sincerely does NOT understand humor. I don't think she's capable.
  • larc

    Hey puffsrule,

    It sure is frustrating isn't it. I have a sister who was valdictorian of her class, so she is obviously bright. I can not engage in any dialogue with her on any witness related subject. Her mind simply closes tight. Oh well. So, I just engage in chit chat with her. At least she talks to me.

  • Reborn2002

    It definitely IS frustrating.

    Puffsrule, I know and am dealing with the EXACT same issue which plagues you now.

    I have confronted my mother, my sister, my brother, and his wife on the false predictions surrounding 1914, 1975, etc.. the waverance on doctrine, false prophecies, outright lies, blood doctrine, Russell gravesite, pedophilia within the organization, UN affiliation, etc.

    Do they have a response? No. They simply reply with indoctrinated sentences riddled with buzz words like:

    "You are an apostate"

    "Why do you twist the truth?"

    "Are you rejecting Jehovah?"

    Without even considering the relevant issues at hand.

    It is the brainwashing at it's finest.

    My heart goes out to you.

  • DazedAndConfused

    puffs, I totally agree with least she (your mom) wants to watch it.

    As far as my experience goes, with my parents, they don't want to hear what I have to say in general against the witnesses but my mom told my brother that she would like to see the show. I look at it like a small victory. After all, they are told not to listen to propaganda (sp) against the society.

    For Dateline to air this for us makes it a bit more palpable for the rank and file JW. Maybe this will wake a few people up. I mean we all had a jumping off point in our own lives...maybe this is enough for some of the ones still with the hook (society) in their mouths.

    One can only hope.

  • teenyuck

    Billygoat, larc, Reborn2002, DazedAndConfused,

    Thank you for your thoughts. I guess I am making some progress.

    After reading Reborn's response I have to tell you she immediately asked those same questions. I, inspite of being an atheist, held her off...she seemed afraid to push. If I declare myself as an atheist, she will feel the need to turn me in (I know her, she would) and then shun me. I despise her beliefs but still have some feeling for her. This would also open the door for all the other relatives to shun me.

    I went on to silentlambs and copied his story and then all the letters from NYC to the elders. I e-mailed them with a note. I hope she prints them, reads them and thinks about the lies they are telling. Sending her the link will freak her out, however, she might bite, when no one is looking, and go on and poke around.

    I am going to tape the show for her...just in case she does not watch it.

  • Grunt

    Hi Puffsrule,
    I enjoy your posts. I think you have done well with your mom. She sounds like a good person to me. I can and have talked to my dad about all of it, he goes on the attack asking me what MY religion is now and what am I doing to teach other people about Jehovah and what OTHER religion is teaching the same thing all around the world and on and on. I respond to all those things pretty well and have left him with nothing to say several times. I dare not speak to my mom. My mom is all emotion. She loves me, is loyal to me, still speaks to me and is upset that my daughter shuns me, but I don't dare talk to her about the Witnesses. She scratch her arm off late at night, would cry herself to sleep as she has over the situation between my little girl and me, but she would not ever really research it or consider what I said, I don't believe. She does know I don't believe, that I won't attend Memorial or meetings, she does not want to discuss it. Please be patient with your mom. Please don't ever put down her worth, as we owe our parents too much for that. I know you love your mom, it comes through in all you do. I hope you are able to help her to see things as they are but be gentle. The Rubiyat has a quote I like, it goes something like as people grow older "They draw the warm cloak of Repentance around their shoulders." As you get older, change and the possible rejection of eternal life weighs heavier than when you are young with plenty of time for change. Excuse my opinions if they offend you, as it is none of my business. I would give a lot to have my poor little fanatic as open minded as your mom.

  • teenyuck

    Grunt, you are right...she is slightly more open minded than most JW' is the lack of critical thinking on her part that drives me crazy. I cannot figure out how you can be open minded and a dub, but that is for another thread!

    She is a total believer in Dr. Phil and Oprah also. Anything Dr. Phil says she recites. She purchased all of his books and thinks he is the greatest. (this alone gives pause for thought...she is reading other literature!!) She sent me money after my birthday, telling me to buy the latest Dr. Phil book!! I was very surprised by the is one of 2-3 over the last 20 years.

    That inability to think on her own is disconcerting. The only time she gives an honest opinion is when she is insulting someone...she does that a lot. Archie Bunker, incarnate. And not very christian.

    I will have to do a post on my Mom. There really are some questionable things she has done over the years to make me not like the person she is. Many of them had to do with worldly boyfriends-of her!! And money.

    If she will at least read my e-mail and watch Dateline, I would be happy. I am not offended at all by anyone's thoughts or opinions to what I post. I am glad I have the opportunity to do so with people who understand the background.

  • Shandoria Johnson
    Shandoria Johnson


    I know what you are going through it has been over 7 years since I left in my heart although i was out for many years before. I needed to let go and get through the next phase. It is important that you realize who you are and that God is still faithful. Most importantly that you find out who God really is. You will never be able to help your family if you look back and debate with them remember we were taught to debate. Please find out what God will was to call you out of this occult. We think we made that decision but we did not. many things we were taught were misguided indoctrination but we need not to let the false te4achins bling us from God and who he really is. If you would like to talk further to know how to reach your family email me at [email protected] I would like to spend some time sharing what has helped me to go forward while helping my family also to come out. I was JW for over 26 years and new no other religion but I am truly happy and helping others.

  • deddaisy

    Puffs, is considered an apostate site? I didn't think it was yet because Bill has not been disfellowshipped?

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