Christianity vs. Churchianity/Spiritual Buffets

by apostrate 2 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • apostrate

    From Zion's Watch Tower, September, 1883:

    "We are living in an age of shams and counterfeits. Satan seems to have abandoned the hope of crushing out the Christian Church by a process of undisguised hostility, and now seeks to destroy her efficiency by stealthily draining off her vitality, and robbing her of every supernatural element. He "transforms himself into an angel of light," and often assumes to be the special friend and guardian of the Church. Craftily he infuses his deadly virus and inculcates his plausible philosophy, until the moral perception is obscured, the conscience is distorted, and policy runs nearly the whole ecclesiastical machinery."

    WOW! Sound familiar?? But wait, listen to this, from the same article:

    "Much of the current worship is done by proxy. Lazy religionists surrender their sacred rights to others. They take it for granted that the preacher is on the right track, and readily swallow whatever may be doled out from the pulpit, without using their own brains in searching for the hidden treasures of truth."

    Contrast what was printed then, by Jehovahs Faithful and Discreet Slave, with what they are telling their people today. Here is what I heard one elder teach from the platform some ten years ago, and his voice was raised and he was as animated as an old time Baptist preacher:


    And I know that it wasn't just this elders opinion because I heard others from other congregations repeating these same sentiments!

    Yes, the Watchtower is not a buffet, I agree. And, it is not a restaurant that I choose to dine at!!!

  • Alive!

    "Much of the current worship is done by proxy. Lazy religionists surrender their sacred rights to others. They take it for granted that the preacher is on the right track, and readily swallow whatever may be doled out from the pulpit, without using their own brains in searching for the hidden treasures of truth."

    That's the life of a JW.

    I love my dear JW friends - but have been shocked by the anger and viciousness shown by some when I raised a question....or two...

    I was the "darling" of the congregations years ago when I was a "truth searcher' and a "questioner"......I was "an honest hearted one coming in from the world."

    And how those "born-ins" loved being in my company - "so encouraging' - after all the years of being in the "truth", these people were desperate for a true friend.....

    Lol - now I know why.

    Apparently - my current status of searching is wicked.....OK

    Sounding bitter? Sorry - just angry. Not with the people (well actually that's not quite true, I just have to deal with that on a personal level) but the dirty WTBTS.

  • WTWizard

    And why wouldn't Satan be justified in wanting this parasite out of our midst? Perhaps because Christi-SCAM-ity has stifled science every step of the way? Because it has promoted policies of not exposing the angels in forcing us back to the Dark Ages? The earth is flat and the center of the universe crap? Debunking astrology, which kept ancients alive long before they acknowledge modern inventions? Destroying all evidence that people lived much better before Christi-SCAM-ity came in and ruined it for everyone?

    Not to mention the crap Christi-SCAM-ity continues doing. Who was responsible for deploying the slave ships that shipped Blacks to the Americas to be sold as slaves? Hint: The Rothschilds financed this, and the xians were responsible for doing the dirty work. Who is responsible for going into areas where people are trying to mind their own business, only to trash their cultures? Yup, xian missionaries (Islam is not innocent from this, but it is also related to Christi-SCAM-ity). Christi-SCAM-ity is communism with a very thin disguise, and encourages slavery. Is it any wonder Satan wants it gone?

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