"When you protect the institution over the individual, justice isn't possible"

by problemaddict 2 1 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • problemaddict 2
    problemaddict 2

    So says Kirsten Gillibrad the senator from New York. It was regarding rape at college campus, and how it tends to be handled "internally" and "with bias".

    I watched this unfold on an episode of VICE on HBO from this weekend. The similarities were striking. Colleges attempt to keep these things off the record in order not to harm their public image. As a result a sort of culture of blame and looking the other way develops until the few have the courage to speak out and become many.

    Its an interesting episode I would highly recommend.

    One of the main differences which speaks terribly to our former faith, is that on campus there have been proven hoaxes, and the defense of consent can and is used. However, with molestation there is no consent defense. Nor can confession be overlooked.

    The senator used the term "the culture of benign neglect". With jehovahs Witnesses it has been an active neglect.

  • Vidiot
    Sounds like I'd like this senator.

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