Are there ANY mind-controlling cults that DON'T hate gays???

by NAVYTOWN 8 Replies latest jw friends


    Please help me with this: Can you think of a single mind-controlling cult that ISN'T anti-gay??? It seems to me that virtually all such groups preach against homosexuality. JWs.....Mormons....Moonies.....Jim Jones.....David Koresh.....the Catholic Church.....Radical Islam.....Russian Orthodox Church......Scientology......Lyndon name just a few. Can anyone name a high-control cult that APPROVES of gays and lesbians???? Just wondering......

  • LoveUniHateExams

    NAVYTOWN - I agree 100%.

    'JWs.....Mormons....Moonies.....Jim Jones.....David Koresh.....the Catholic Church.....Radical Islam.....Russian Orthodox Church......Scientology......Lyndon LaRouche...' - let's add 'ordinary Islam' to your list.

    'Can anyone name a high-control cult that APPROVES of gays and lesbians????' - Stonewall, maybe.

  • 3rdgen

    scratching my head......... nope.

  • tim hooper
    tim hooper

    The UK Conservative party pushed through the same sex marriage bill.

  • happy@last
  • Vidiot

    Homophobic people seem to have the ideal mindset for it...

  • WingCommander

    Umm......I can think of (2) right off the top of my head.

    1.) Jim Jones, People's Temple. It is well documented now that Jim Jones was bisexual. Some of the lone-survivors and even his own son have said that Jim Jones liked to give and recieve anal sex with other men, encouraged it, asked for it. I've seen it talked about in several documentaries from survivors. It was one more way he abused and controlled people thru sex and shame. This on top of the religious, psychological, and drug abuse.

    2.) Heaven's Gate. Applegate was a wide-eyed, cultist FREAK. He "deadened his member" (neutured) so as to not have it further distract him in his ministry, due to the fact that he was a closet homosexual. He encouraged others to sterlize themselves and become androginous as well.

    - Wing Commander

  • SonoftheTrinity

    What about the Raelians?

  • Junction-Guy

    How about the cult of liberal christianity? There are several groups and movements out there that can twist and butcher the bible to fit their doctrines, almost as well as the Watchtower.

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