OK, so the Dateline Pedophilia story is on. Happy that its finally seeing the light of day. My question is....How to keep the momentum going?? What WTS chinks in the armor should be placed in the spotlight....and WHY?? Blood issue, SLAVE (social security, financial) reparations for Bethelites or other former full-time ministers, and Disfellowshipping are my picks. What are yours?
Keeping it Going!!
by Black Man 8 Replies latest jw friends
I think if we could somehow get the Calgary blood case into the spotlight it might help. One newspaper in Calgary has been following the case put the publicity angle could certainly be helped along. This poor father who because he wants to keep his daughter alive has been disfellowshipped, elders and a Mother that have planned kidnapping plots and advised the daughter to fight the doctors and nurses even to the point of ripping out the needle, a group of W.T. lawyers with the money to fight all the way to the Supreme Court of Canada to let this young girl sacrifice herself much the same way Jim Jones followers sacrificed themselves for "their faith" - this same organization that changed their policy on vacinations, and transplants that cost many lives, and possibly will change their blood policy with enough public pressure - maybe somehow we could help bring it to a national level of attention.
Any suggestions? -
Black Man
Do you have a link to that newspaper site?
I agree that the blood issue needs just as much attention.
The problem is that most of the people involved are either J.W.s or have J.W. family and would risk too much by telling their story. Many, like myself, may have already lost loved ones by their refusing transfusions and would risk losing the rest of their J.W. family by openly exposing their doubts about the society to the media. -
I'm not sure if this link will work, but there is a series of articles written by Carol Harrington, Canadian Press, Calgary with links for them at http://www.watchtowernews.org/shunnedfather.htm.
The WT lawyers right now are trying to get the Supreme Court of Canada to listen to their appeal. No ruling has been brought down yet. -
I wouldn't get too excited about the possibility of any momentum going forward as a result of this Dateline piece. Not on a national level, anyway. After tonight, the story will have already "been done." Stale news. To quote Rita Cooledge, "once a story's told, it can't help but grow old...".
Now, on the LOCAL level, news directors might be convinced to do local follow-ons about JWs. And I think that might be the angle to persue, especially in the smaller markets.
Once in Savannah during a quick-build, I went to every newsroom in town (with my friend Richard Francis, nee Hickman) and spoke with each and every news director. As a result, we got stories on the quick build cancelled on every station in town but one. And we had a sidebar story on the quickbuild in the Savannah paper. It really took the goodie out of the story for the local JWs. Imagine a story on a quick build all positive and nice, and right on the same page a story of some of the more unsavory aspects of the JWs. It was better than sex...um, well it was pretty good, anyway.
Black Man
You're right. This needs to get out. I'm gonna forward this to the associated press and see if they can do something with it.Francois:
You're on-point with the smaller markets. I dug your Savannah newspaper intervention work.But overall, I would love to see a group of folks unite and systematically "break-through" the WTS walls on:
(1) Disfellowshipments and family break-ups
(2) Wrongful disfellowshipments (THERE'S A BUNCH OF THESE)
(3) Blood Issue (lotta directions you can go with it)
(4) Doctrinal flip-flops
(5) Elders lack of professional qualifications/aptitude in dealing with pedophilia, spousal/domestic abuse, psychological dysfunction, etc.
(6) Abuse of Power
(7) Demystify and distinguish the religion in relation to the publishing company
(8) Biased minsterial appointments (very hard to prove)
(9) Reparations (WTS ruined lives/career goals. Get former bethelites/full-time ministers to testify) -
Black Man
up we go...........
Not to sound calious or uncarring (I studied business management in college) the blood issue may generate some press.....but (please don't think i'm a total a'hole for saying this, I sincerely am saddened at the sexual abuse people suffered) go with the aftermath of the SL march.
The blood issue has been ongoing for many decades and some people may understand their scriptural reasoning on it.
WHAT NOONE WILL CONDONE IS THE COVERING UP OF AND THE POOR JUDGEMENT OF ELDERS for not reporting sick individuals to police for abusing children. Weather requirde by law in certain states/countries or not.
Promote police action to serve warrants to seize confidental files held by congrations and the national headquarters in NY!
Sadly this may land duped elders in jail. They have been instructed to, in no way, comply with police orders and or warrants when it comes to providing the authorities with confidential information regarding child abusers.
There needs to be press releases of the confidential letters to the bodies of elders to be able to incriminate the GB. Copies of these letters need to be seized from NY, Bethel to confirm their lies! The GB and their policies are the main cause of these children's suffering.
These documents need to be seized before they are destroyed! I'm sure there will be a serious legal battle that the WTS is allready prepared for. The blows need to come hard and swift. Especially in very rural communities where the local elders may not have sufficient man power to stop seizing of confidential files.
You can bet Bethel will be near impossible for authorities to seize information. They have already declared "Theocratic Warfare" it's time to give it to em!
I have an Uncle who's a PO in NC, USA. I'd hate so see him arrested but this crap has to stop!