Be there, or else!

by ozziepost 1 Replies latest jw friends

  • ozziepost

    The March issue of Kingdom Ministry includes a novel way of encouraging meeting attendance.

    In the insert article "April - Time to 'Work Hard and Exert Ourselves'", it states in paragraph 6 that "We must also 'hear what the spirit says to the congregations' by being in attendance at all five weekly meetings.(Rev.3:6)"

    This is a misquotation of course. The words were uttered by the resurrected Jesus Christ to the apostle John who was writing down his messages to the seven congregations in Asia Minor. They were not words at a meeting, although perhaps the letter would have been read at a congregation gathering. Nevertheless, no doubt the Christians would have known when this was to happen. Presumably the Writing Dept are recommending attending all five weekly meetings so that you don't miss out on the one occasion when Christ's words are read! It's ridiculous to compare Christ's own words with anything that might have been prepared by an elder at a meeting in the KH.

    Ozzie (who can see that desperate men say desperate things)

  • Coded Logic
    Coded Logic
    It's amazing, in the fourteen years since this was written "the spirit" hasn't spoken to any of the congregations a single time.  It's almost like the society is being led by men who are following the words of other men who were never inspired in the first place.  Wierd.  

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