The Nature of Watchtower's Response to JWs Re Their Involvement With The UN ...

by Island Man 4 Replies latest social entertainment

  • Island Man
    Island Man

    ... is perfectly captured in this song:

    [verse 1]
    Maggy darling, sugar dumpling
    Don't get so mad
    Please let me explain
    Doo doo darling, sugar dumpling
    Don't get so mad
    Please let me explain

    If you see me with some woman
    I doh (don't) want you misunderstand
    Whatever you might see me do
    Know my love is true
    I'm not being unfaithful to you

    De (The) woman you catch me with in de bed
    Really didn't have no place to rest she head
    Business close down, she lost she wuk (work/job)
    Disappointed, suffering from shock
    So ah (I) take she home just relax and cheer she up
    And exhausted she said to me
    'Boy ah so tired and so sleepy'
    Casually she sat on de bed
    And ask me to massage she leg
    That's all, that's is all, that is all

    [verse 2]
    Trouble makers will spread rumours
    For confusion, oh no doh take dem (them) on
    Just be trusting and doh dig nothing
    Try and understand
    I'll never do you no wrong

    Darling you I'll never deceive
    There is no need to disbelieve
    Keep your trust and your faith in me
    And I promise you there'll be no infidelity
    De lady you saw me with de other night
    She and she husband just had a fight
    Ah find it was really looking so bad
    How de hell she clothes was in de yard
    She sit down dey (there) and start to cry like she going mad

    De two thousand dollars ah give to she
    Was to buy a sandwich and a coffee
    Not another ting (thing) eh (ain't) happen
    Me and de gyul (girl) eh in nothin[g]
    That's all, that's is all, that is all

    [verse 3]
    Let nobody cause you to be jealous and confused
    Doh mind dem and their news
    Dey want we to mash up
    So dey could come and shack up
    And when you refuse
    We'll be like two fools singing the blues

    Doo doo, why these women doh stop
    Always try to set me up
    Trying to give you de impression
    Somethings wrong when my darling nothing eh going on

    De gyul ah was with behind de lamp-post
    Doh get vex cause ah was holding she clothes
    She's ah old tief (thief) from in de east
    Is somebody ear-ring she tief
    Ah was only trying to hold she for de police

    De reason me hand was in she bosom
    Ah was feeling to see if she had a gun
    She didn't have no gun by she chest
    Is why ah was searching under she dress
    That's all, that's is all, that is all

    [verse 4]

    Just because I am such ah nice guy
    Somewhere, somehow it always leave me in row
    Helping people, seem to be my trouble
    Ah seeing it now
    No more will it be allowed

    From now on dey go ("dey go": they're going to) help deyself (themself)
    Give their problems to someone else
    Is too much rancor and confusion
    And ah know to mehself I am an innocent man

    Ah know dey go tell you me and Miss Leach
    Was seen making love on Maracas Beach
    Well de fact dat (that) she had on a bikini
    And was attacked by African bees
    And very bravely I cover she with meh whole body
    Well she lock meh neck and she grab meh hand
    And with dat she pull meh down in de sand
    A bee sting meh (me) on meh (my) behind
    Ah couldn't help it, ah had to grind


  • scoobydont

    Big thumbs up for digging that one up, Island Man ! And you know what really tops it off in the song ? It is the laughter at the end..much like a self-assured confidence trickster who is satisfied he's got his victims just where he wants them and knows that they aren't running off anytime soon. Pretty much like how the Grand Wizards (aka Governing Body) laugh and rub their hands every time they shine a "new light" and the sheeple/prisoners come out to dance and lap up the turd that the Grand Wizards have prepared for them ! The Grand Wizards smile at each other, rub their hands and pat each other on the back, satisfied that over 7 million prisoners are "securely" locked down until the next full moon when another "New Light" is shone and turd served up to manage any disquiet in the cult.

    Me...oh, I'm just glad to be out !

  • punkofnice
  • Island Man
    Island Man

    So true, punkofnice! Man did not descend from monkeys. He descended from an Ape ancestor.

  • scoobydont

    Thanks, PUNKOFNICE, my respect for monkeys have just outgrown that for humans in an instant ! Just imagine if the monkeys decide to take humans to court for defamation of character on the millions of portrayals we have made of monkeys being related to humans which clearly, from that song, they are not !

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