first of all pardon my spelling.
I was reading an older article on cedars website about the 'new light on the faithful slave' nonsense, and I was reminded of the phrase imitation christains.
in the article from in the july 15th study article titled l'ook i am with you all the days,' a timeline of sorts is presented, that states the
wheat were/are annointed christains,
and he weeds are imitation christains
where does that leave all of us 'genuine christains' who are not 'annointed'?
so the seperation work doesnt include all of humanity? hmm what happens to those who do not claim to be christains at all? t
where does the bible talk about imitation christains? what IS an imitation Christian? why would you BE an imitation christain?,
and how would we know who was one ? were not the judge of hearts.
if the harvest did not begin till 1914 what of all those in the past?
then it reads
1919-gathering into the storehouse annointed christains are gathered into the restored congregation
well who belongs to the congregation? who restored it? where was it before it was restored? where did it go? why was the retored congregation without annointed leaders if they need direction?
if at arnageddon teh weeds are burned, and those weeds are imitaion christains, then what of all those on earth who claim no religious affiliation to begin with?
[that magazine was the most bazarr peice of literary nonsense that i had read in a long time.]
correct me if Im wrong, but isnt the christain congregation LED by CHRIST in heaven
and are we not to 'belong' to any earthly organization, but rather belong to Christ?
and are we not subject to his rule, and not mans?
and are we all going to get the prize regardless of who we are as long as we believe that he is, follow his example?
that seems a lot more simple to me.